Due to time and finishing the movie, not to mention being too hard core, but really. My first question is, why was bo put in a loincloth when the native women painted on her? Seems to me she was ment to mate with the ivory king. Second, why was bo's hair not braided like all the other native women? They were out to make Bo part of the tribe right? My point being this should not have been about her meeting Tarzan, but about her with the natives.
My first question is, why was bo put in a loincloth when the native women painted on her? Seems to me she was ment to mate with the ivory king.
From being fortunate to have been able to see a few minutes of deleted/edited scenes years ago, I don't recall any lead in from the washing scene to the painting scene as to why this was. Apart from the perhaps reluctance of the filmakers for full frontal nudity and not to raise the ire of the censor board to raise the rating (I believe the Derek's wanted this to be a lesser rating than the "R" I believe it eventually received, saying it was family oriented flick!!) So in hindsight they could have perhaps got away with it and shown even more of Bo. One of the deleted scenes had Bo with wrists tied being led off upon arrival at the village and pleased scrutiny of the big bad Chief, and surrounded by native girls and disrobed by them for the restrained bathing while she "futiley" protested, but nothing of her having the loincloth added.
Second, why was bo's hair not braided like all the other native women? They were out to make Bo part of the tribe right?
I agree but not sure why she wasn't being made into one of them fully, apart from location time restraints or perhaps Bo was just personally trying to rid herself of the "braided hair" image which she had stylised in the "10" movie prior to this one.
Personally, I always regretted that Bo never had an actual scene in the bikini she wears in a lot of the publicity pix and which she was depicted as wearing in the art for the poster.
The only other scenes I'm aware of were a cut few minutes of Jane being prepared for the big chief, mostly a minute or two of the washing and painting scenes with a bit more silly dialogue between Bo Derek and Richard Harris, while she's being erotically prepared for the native chief's pleasure. I believe they were cut as an order from a judge from a lawsuit filed by the Edgar Rice Burrough's estate who cited there was too much Jane and not enough Tarzan. I saw these cut scenes years ago after they somehow found their way from the cutting room floor and onto the black market. My brother acquired the clips through his video distribution company he started in the early 80's. Sadly he no longer has the clips (or his Business). Still I hope they still exist out there to one day be able find their way into a version of the movie.
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[If that silly dialogue was some gibberish about merry go rounds, that scene actually appears in the DVD release.
I don't recall that actual remark, however it was about 25 years ago when I saw these scenes, the gist was her remarking to her father (Harris) about being stripped naked and saying to the native women/girls holding her and doing the undressing, that didn't they understand that she wasn't one of them and to stop it. Also I recall that while being hand painted somewhat sensuously in some of her more "private areas" that she was muttering/sobbing repeatedly something like "Yes, this is not happening to me.....not happening to me, I'm not here" or words of that ilk
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I agree that it was a shame to miss out on that famous leather bikini that Bo wore in the posters and ads. There WAS an alternate extended clip that accompanied the end credits when this film was broadcast on network t.v. in 1983. It showed Tarzan, Bo and CJ the orangutan walking on the beach holding hands. She is all wet and wearing that famous bikini! I think they inserted this scene because they obviously couldn't show the original topless wrestling match that first accompanied the credits. The bikini scene was much better anyway. Another one of the DELETED scenes is a shot where one of the chimpanzees innocently kisses Bo's bare breast. The MPAA and animal rights activists had a fit with this moment (which is actually kind of sweet - and not the least bit erotic.) And it was Humpty-Dumpty that father Parker (Richard Harris) used to distract Jane whilst being bathed/painted. He also wisely advised her to "leave her body" before being raped by the Ivory King.
Another deleted scene I forgot about about was of Bo in a white dress, tied upright to a wooden stake with her breasts exposed and Tarzan untying her. I guess this was a different story line ending to the washing/painting preparation for the native Chief scene, as she wasn't naked before Tarzan comes to the rescue.
That is one scene I would like to see, Bo being stripped naked by those native women. Her clothing removed. Anybody else pick up on these things? Those native women looked really freaky? the music...if you call it that during her wash/painting...was really freaky sounding. I really liked those creapy native women working her over. as far as her ramblings.....I found it cute in a way. Those kinky things like....."there washing me like a horse", "they are painting my hair".....funny to most, but to me it was sexy in a way. really wish I could see those creepy native gals stripping her.
That is one scene I would like to see, Bo being stripped naked by those native women. Her clothing removed. Anybody else pick up on these things?
Ooh yes I certainly did.
I really liked those creapy native women working her over
Yes I have to agree with you there, something about the erotic hostility of them having poor virginal Jane in bondage, giggling, chattering in their own "freaky" style about what they are doing to the hapless, helpless explorer. There was a moment or two where they were really "working her" over too
as far as her ramblings.....I found it cute in a way. Those kinky things like....."there washing me like a horse", "they are painting my hair"
Yes a sort of demure, unique dialogue going on
but to me it was sexy in a way. really wish I could see those creepy native gals stripping her.
Have to admit from such powerful images it has been a basis of personal fantasies ever since....wish I could see those scenes all over again.
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When she was stripped, was she already being held down on her hands and knees for her washing? Also, before her being shown painted, you hear her wimper about her hair "being" painted, then you see her already painted. there is a lost scene. Would have been sexy to see her hair getting matted down not just white, but she got some green streaks mixed in it with green around her eyes and lips to, even think in her navel as well.
When she was stripped, was she already being held down on her hands and knees for her washing?
No, she was standing up when she was being stripped, she was surrounded by three or four, half naked girls, her wrists were tied together as they stripped her naked. I remember she struggled futilely and they were talking in excited manner as though they were looking forward to the job in hand, then she was led/pulled to the adjacent washing platform and tied down with rope/vines on all fours between large wooden posts, albeit loosely bound, for she was struggling when their hands began exploring/touching her and commencing the washing sequence.
Also, before her being shown painted, you hear her wimper about her hair "being" painted, then you see her already painted. there is a lost scene. Would have been sexy to see her hair getting matted down not just white, but she got some green streaks mixed in it with green around her eyes and lips to, even think in her navel as well.
The cut painting scene I saw was about a minute or two longer with her in a loincloth ( I don't remember the point where it was put on her) they were tying her down on an animal hide/or cloth and beginning the hand painting, for a moment there was cutaway to a more wider angle showing the location of the others captured, which appeared to be lower level than the painting area where Bo was being taken to. Again the ropes were loose and she tried pulling away but her ankles were grasped by two the girls pulling her down onto the middle and they began to paint her earnestly starting with her arms and legs and moving inward, however I don't remember them painting her hair or any green paint used. There was some application to her face neck and shoulder areas before hands descending to her breasts to paint them in what I found was in somewhat erotic fashion, with Jane protesting while this was being done. Hands were also seen converging on her loincloth area including moving part way under it to paint her upper leg area (her thighs perhaps?) also as she twisted briefly while they were painting her back and ass area and these sequences, looking back, were obviously cut for being too racy.
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I loved the way she was tied down in both the washing and painting scenes. Like said, very loosely that allowed her to do a lot of squirming.Could never tell though if her feet were tied while being painted.
I loved the way she was tied down in both the washing and painting scenes. Like said, very loosely that allowed her to do a lot of squirming.
Yes it was nicely done in my opinion also
Could never tell though if her feet were tied while being painted. .
Yes I recall her feet were tied at the ankles and closer together as though bound together perhaps. I remember I read somewhere that actually the painting sequence took three days to film and Bo and the native handmaidens had to wash the paint off in the river before returning to the hotel each evening.
I do still think the music played during her wash/painting was freaky and yet fit the scene, also seems there was one native girl at the ivory kings side that seemed to like bo just as much. just watched it again.
.... also seems there was one native girl at the ivory kings side that seemed to like bo just as much. just watched it again.
I'm glad you picked up on that because I distinctly recall both of the cut washing and painting scenes, there was much more hand attention to Bo's breasts and thigh areas which is why such things remain emblazoned in my memory ...again must have been too racy for the naysayers
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The more I see it, the more interesting deep questions arise. Why were some of the native girls painted white? not all were, are the painted ones ment for sex? They could have just painted her, but they washed her first, cleaning her, then making her a mess?, a sexy mess all that creamy paint. I loved that she was painted all over, hair, around her eyes, lips, not a lame cheap job, it was really detailed.
Some interesting questions raised and yes I do remember that some of the native girls weren't painted.
I also remember that Richard Harris's love interest,(Africa?), having been captured earlier by the tribe was looking out of a hut or tent on their arrival and putting a hand to her mouth and exclaiming "Parker!" that she was painted white but not as good a paint job as was soon to befall Jane, a paint job in fact that Earl Scheib would have been proud of!
I guess with a goddessque body like Bo's and I was one of the uninhibited "Freaky girls" with the enviable task of preparing her, I too would have spend a long, long time painting every inch of her.
Africa was not well painted, I noticed that to. You could also tell that her hair was white, but Bo's was just plain matted, really done well. The native girls seemed to even continue painting her even though she was already fully painted, like a second coating. Also those girls painting on Bo sseemed so uncaring, and how they seemed to also be staring her down with thier dark eyes peering out like dolls eyes from the white paint, that just gave it that little touch of freakiness to. I also when that big ivory king was shown laughing at her showed they were enjoying her squirming and crying.
If you like "freaky" scenes with "creepy" native girls, you might want to check out SLAVE OF THE CANNIBAL GOD. Ursula Andress (who was also once married to John Derek) is stripped NAKED by a savage group of cannibal women - who hand-paint her with blood! It's very sensual and revolting at the same time. Andress, who was pushing 40 at the time, still looked hot. This film was also released as MOUNTAIN OF THE CANNIBAL GOD.
Yes I recall that movie and scene also and if I am correct, that movie came out before Tarzan, so maybe John Derek got the idea from watching his ex-wife being painted by natives to having his then current wife in a similar situation.
BTW Does anyone else, aside from me, see a physical resemblance in the wives of John Derek?, All blondes of course, but also in their facial characteristics as well. I'm talking about Linda Evans as well who in my opinion looks very much like Bo Derek. I'm sure there are a lot of guys out there envious of the late Mr. Derek's stable of fine fillies.
Also if you are into white women explorers captured by natives and stripped and attended to by native women then also checkout. "The Further Adventures of Tennessee Buck" there is a nice scene of Kathy Showers nude and tied down, only she's being oiled instead of painted by women natives, particularly her breasts and sensuously so in my book. Although unlike Bo, the native Chief gets his way with her.
Yes, I have seen various pictures of that scene with Jane tied to a pole, her shirt is ripped open with one of her breast's exposed. Although I'm glad they used the washing/painting ending instead of this alternative ending. Not quite so thrilling.
I don't believe any body doubles were used for Bo in ANY film I've ever seen - that was rather her claim to fame. Her breasts sometimes seemed disproportionate because her ribcage was so prounounced - and her stomach so flat. In virtually all of the ending title sequence, you can pretty much see her face the whole time.
Yes that is true, no double was used. her face was shown during that part. Also I agree that Bo's breasts looked larger do to the fact that her belly was very thin and was sunken making her ribs very visable, only Bo could make that look sexy and she did.
Yes, that was a classic wrestling match. But why was she wearing that long, ratty slip? Wouldn't Jane have discarded it (along with the rest of her undergarments) by this point?
Without a doubt, the cloth the natives gave her was much better, but then again those natives did what was best for bo. The natives doing her should have been much longer, how long is the question. I figure this.... 5 min. to strip her totally naked. 5 min. to get her tied down to wash her. 20 min. of actual washing. 30-40 min. to paint on her, was a real detailed job. figure a couple of min. added to each due to all her quirming. I figure about about a hour would have been quality natives working on bo time that should have been added to the movie.
Way too fast, IMHO, I mean she has to struggle in all of that 5mins. then they have to hold a town meeting as to who is going to hold her arms and legs and who is going to take what garment off!
30-40 min. to paint on her, was a real detailed job.
Don't forget the primer, or base coat.
figure a couple of min. added to each due to all her quirming.
More squirming.... 5-10 minutes please
Aren't we forgetting something??.....Shaving her private areas... that has got to add 20-30 minutes another to the runtime total. Anyone here say "mini series"??
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Instead of shaving the privates - what about GREEN paint - like in her hair! Remember Richard Harris' hammy line: "Good irish green..." That way the carpet will match the drapes.
Remember Richard Harris' hammy line: "Good irish green..."
Are you sure he said Green?, I thought he said "Irish Cream", for didn't he take a taste at the same time? (Maybe I dreamt this) Which thinking about it more deeply now implies that Bo was also edible!! Or at least lapable
My hearing/memory could be wrong though! Anyone else think this?
Yes, Bo looked GREAT squirming while they washed her! That girl has one beautiful nude body, and seeing her wiggle her gorgeous ass while trying to escape while they bathed her was AWESOME!
I just watched that part with subtitles on, he did say " nice irish green ", but who is to say its not correct. I like that little touch of lime green not a lot, just a bit mixed in her matted white caked hair, eye shadow, and lips, just made it that much more erotic of a paint job on her.
Now I do agree that more time should be added to what I previously thought, because there was one other thing that needed to be done...braiding her hair, cornrowed yes, but not like she did in 10 with beads, but more savage like, like the native girls all had. The movie is what it is, but those natives would not have put that loincloth on her during her painting, A good shaving between her legs would have been something I sure would have been done.
Who is to say Bo was ment to be with that tribe leader? when Bo was really being stared at hard by that one native girl who woke up the tribe leader when they first got at the village....anyone remember that one native girl? she seemed to really want Bo. Maybe the tribe leader only really wanted africa..harris wife. This may also expalin as to why Bo was so much more detailed painted and worked over more by the women.
Also, Bo's squirming should have won her a award, she did it so well like when they touched her belly during her washing she sucked it inward.
I just watched that part with subtitles on, he did say " nice irish green ", but who is to say its not correct.
Thanks nccnexis for finding that out I didn't think about subtitles, and on the subject of which, I'm curious to know what comes up on-screen during the washing ritual, when while unable to see her ordeal unfolding Richard Harris asks her...."Jane? Jane!...answer me Jane!" and she replies while squirming nicely. "Yes they are washing me just like a whore" I have seen some mention somewhere (here perhaps?) that she said.... "They're washing me just like a horse" ....I was curious as to what came up on the subtitles..... whore or horse?
Who is to say Bo was ment to be with that tribe leader? when Bo was really being stared at hard by that one native girl who woke up the tribe leader when they first got at the village....anyone remember that one native girl? she seemed to really want Bo.Maybe the tribe leader only really wanted africa..harris wife. This may also expalin as to why Bo was so much more detailed painted and worked over more by the women.
Yes I remember her shaking him while staring as the captives arrive at the village, it is a wonderful premise and has caused me to further fantasizing about the lesbian undertones, which for me were even more evident from the touching of Bo's sexual areas in the cut scenes during the preparing rituals, which I feel was the reason the longer even more erotic scenes were cut from the final print. From your summation the only thing I question about her intention and action was that if she was wanting Jane to be a love slave for herself, why was chief roused from his slumber, by her? I would think she would have left him sleeping and quietly led the virgin explorer into her mud hut for her own amorous pleasure. I still prefer to concur with you on this though for my own personal reasons!
Also, Bo's squirming should have won her a award, she did it so well like when they touched her belly during her washing she sucked it inward.
I do too!.... She looks so demure as she squirms and struggles so well, as any good innocent white girl finding her naked body in hands of uninhibited amorous women would do in such a situation!
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For more of Bo's squirming belly, check out BOLERO. Lots of quivering as a young shiek licks honey off of her torso. She also (in another scene) caresses the gyrating stomach of a female belly dancer...
p.s. Does ANYONE remember the 1981 Bo Derek Calendar? Can't remember the month - but there is a distinct photo of the native girls scrubbing the white paint OFF of Bo in a wide river. She is naked - and only her head and face are WHITE. Creepy and sexy and frothy...
It is as follows..." damn, they're washing me just like a horse" as the subtitles that is. Now while checking this out I also noticed that one creepy native girl, lets just call her the "maiden" for fun, was also doing some of the washing. The maiden seemed to be directing it as well. While the other girls were scrubing on Bo, the maiden was infront of her again staring her down. In one wash sequence although bounded Bo jerks her upward as far as the vines will allow and the maiden forces her right back down and then we see the maiden with a firm grip on Bo's arm holding her as she scrubs Bo's hair as she says " they're washing me like a horse."
So I think I have it figured out. If you notice when the maiden woke the chief up she had that look of wanting her to let him know that. When the chief got up to go to Bo and tarzan came, the paiting girls were still painting on her, they were not done yet, why? Maybe because the hair braiding came after painting it, and they had yet more to do to her. Where was the maiden during the painting? was she preparing a hut or some other thing for Bo to go through, like training or a something to break her will.
Lets not forget, Tarzan killed the chief, but not the tribe, or the maiden. So there is where the sequal should have been, this time no loincloth, and her hair braided.
Also I have that calender, and yes there are some nice body painted photos.
Guess I'm just being a girl here with wishful thoughts. I hate to ramble on about the hair braiding, but such a detail job was done on Bo. Washing her body, painting her....around her eyes, lips, nothing went unpainted, so much detail, and yet her hair not cornrowed braids like the other native girls had. Just that reason is why I was so upset with this movie/scene, really not, but still it should have atleast, if not showing it being done, at the end her hair painted and braided. The maiden, I still think if there was a part 2, she would have been Bo's worst ordeal experience.
I dearly loved the way the natives did her hair. I would have rather them cornrow it like they all had, but it was beautiful the way they did it. The way it was matted down with the paint and then the lime green color mixed in matching the green eye shadow and lips in contrast to the white paint made Bo so sexy. I also loved the Ivory king, she was very sexy as well, but he sure scared Bo but in a kinky kind of way. When Bo is sweetly wimpering while the natives finish up painting her body, and Harris asks her what she sees and she says.." I see them painting me, and that gigantic man laughing at me", and then you see the king laughing at her in what I found to be a strange laugh, I loved it. I wish Bo had done a sex scene with the Ivory King like she did in bolero.
Yes that would be hot as hell....luv the mixture of arousal, fear and fascination as Bo watches the fight over her. It resembles the fight scene between Tarza and Terkoz over her in the original book by ERB
The "Ivory King" came across as a muscle-bound half-wit. I much prefer the idea of his henchwoman keep Bo for herself, and enjoying her beautiful body in seclusion later in the day! Now THAT would have been a scene worth remembering!
I wish Bo had done a sex scene with Tarzan after he snapped the Ivory King's neck - a fightscene which I think Jane highly admired. The movie lets the viewer imagine what could have been going on at the beach somewhat later ...
Very hot.....i bet she admired the fight scene a lot indeed....wish they had cut more often to her gorgeous face watching those men fighting for her....
I loved how he(ivory king)laughed at her, when Bo cried for him to go away and then he was shown laughing at her being painted. Now in that situation, the whole tribe there and tarzan saves the day? I mean really, I think tarzan should have been driven off and really would have been. How it should have unfolded, the tribe members make tarzan leave so that the ritual can happen. Me being a women, I would have loved being a maiden doing Bo's body, and help hold her so that the ivory king could have her. It was a kinky thing to see her being washed and painted infront of her father and everyone, but it was also a great idea putting Bo's body on display like that. I thought the ivory king was sexy and so is Bo, it needed to play out. All those natives bathed Bo really well, painted on her so good, they, the king, any of them should have had Bo's body. I also think her wimpering, squirming, just made the ivory king and the maidens work on her harder.
i fully agree....tarzan should have been driven off by the tribe members or been defeated by the Ivory King right in front of Jane, losing the fight for the right to mate with her.....
a ash lmaoooo reading your post i get the feeling you d like to be face down spread eagled with a HUGEEEE AFRICAN GUY wanting to get next to you lmaoooo some sick ass poeple out there....who ever thinks bo wasnt good for jane or she was overated whatever ......she s got all you blownnnnn the fk away even today she has you beat so talk alllll ya want about bo lmaoooooo you ll never come closeeee to bieng her in this lifetime or the next....yea and she stilllll has any woman in hollywood today beat by a mile cuase most couldnt hold a candle to her women in hollywood today FLAT OUT SUCKKK compared to the women in the early 80 s 1983 so on.....and there lousy actresses......bo youll always be the real jane ....and trust me lmaoooooo most poeple guys or gals lmaoooo went to see taezan cuase of miss derek bo not miles o creep who suked as tarzan anyway