Power Struggle or...
...Gay love triangle?
I love this film and after numerous viewings I've started to notice (this might just be me) that there are several moments in the film that point towards a gay love triangle between Brian, Alex and David.
Here are those moments:
1-David invites Brian over to play a game, but not Alex, Alex points this out and David flips him off (now this could just be because David likes Brian (as a friend) and not Alex.
2-When they're all in the bathroom, Brian takes a goog long intense stare at Alex (who's wet and only wearing a towel).
3-When Brian goes to talk to the parents David says to Alex "When all this is over me and you are going to go round and round" I know this was supposed to be a threat/invitation for a fight, but the way it came out (tone of voice/facial expression) made it seem kind of gay.
4-At the begining of the film Brian is best-friends with Alex, but as the film goes on the dynamic changes so Brian is closer to David, Alex seems to get really jealous whenever Brian goes off/listens to David rather than him.
5-At the end of the film when Alex finally manages to convince Brian to give up the school, David goes insane (this might not be due to Brian choosing Alex over him, he's probably just mentally unstable).
So there are the moments that make me wonder if it's more than a power struggle. Maybey I'm reading to much into it, but does anyone else see this?