MovieChat Forums > Taps (1981) Discussion > No other adults on campus

No other adults on campus

I found a major plot hole to be the absence of adults on campus. I realize that summer break was starting, but the General couldn't be the ONLY instructor for the summer session. What about cooks, janitors, stable guys, school secretaries, etc. Was there no second in command that would have jumped a plane to return to the school? I don't know how long the siege was, but the facial injuries of Moreland and Sean Penn's character had healed - - - - although this could have been another goof.


The adults that were taking inventory of the munitions were staff. They were complaining about having guns and ammo at the school and recognized Hutton when he came in. Then when they came back for the ammo and it was gone (cool scene) they were more staff, again recognizing Hutton. It would appear that they and any other remaining school staff were all put on the bus and sent out.



My attempt to plug it is to say that either during that hiatus w/ few of the full school on campus it was up to the General and Senior's to make sure chores were done by the absent "civilians". Also, without waisting time, in the film they could have shoved 'em out before the fort.

They mostly come out at night...mostly--Newt/Eric Cartman...


It was stated in the movie that it was the summer session.
But still,that is not enough not to have adults in the school.
Also,it would have been somewhat of a plot hole of having only General Bache as the only military person in the school.There should have been others in his staff.


Here is one possible timeline. The dinner with General Bache is on a Friday, following the Baccalaureate service. The Graduation ceromony takes place on the following day, a Saturday, and the Graduation ball is held that night. The shooting takes place, and the revolt begins the next day, Sunday. There would not be a lot of service staff, school staff or military staff present on a Sunday, so there would be a limited number of adults on campus. It would have been easy to round them up and ship them off on the bus.

Intellect and Romance Triumph Over Brute Force and Cynicism


As another poster mentioned, there were plenty of adults present on campus, and they were all herded on a bus. It wasn't a plot hole...just your lack of attention to detail.
