After leaving the market with supplies, and getting into a fight with the townies, the sheriff blocks the road and the plow through, after which the sheriff gets out of his car and starts unloading his revolver towards the rear of the cadets supply truck. And you could clearly see a bunch of kids sitting in the back of the truck, which is where the sheriff was aiming.
Not so crazy.. when I was 13 and somewhat of a troublemaker I had a cop shove his gun in my face and have no doubt he would have fired if anyone in the pickup I was in did not follow his exact orders. Myself, another 13 yr old, a 14 yr old two 15yr olds and a 16 yr old. None of us were armed, or made any aggressive act towards him. He caught us knocking down mailboxes, maybe he thought one of us would take a swing at him with a bat, but we had tossed the bats when we saw flashing lights and the guys that had them were in the bed of the truck... I was in the passenger seat already with my hands firmly placed on the dashboard. Yet I got the gun up the nose... don't ask me... either way though, I never knocked down another mailbox.
I don't know about every state, but in Canada, where I live, it is illegal for cops to shoot at tires, because it causes the bullets to ricochet, thereby risking harm to bystanders.
The scene is hardly "Hollywoodish" and if anything, is underplayed. Cops fire their guns "illegally" all the time a rarely, if ever, suffer the consequences.
Democracy is the pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance. H.L. Mencken
In the United States, because of Tenessee v. Garner, you absolutley cannot shoot at a person fleeing unless you can articulate that someones life is being put in immediate danger. I find that to be an almost impossible argument to make.
Now does that mean police officers never do it, no. But if is discovered they did they will have serious consequences, especially if someone dies.
If you were truly a former police officer you would know that you can legally shoot a fleeing felon that is a danger to themselves and or the public. Especially if they're in possession of a firearm.
Not to mention back in the day when this movie was made they had laws on the books that allowed police to shoot at anyone running a police road block. Also they could shoot at car jackers. You ram a police road block and put officers lives in danger you can and would find yourself at risk of being shot at.
You would have to justify that they are an immenient (sp) threat (in my mind I picture that to be a situation where he is running from you but shooting at someone else) which I find to be almost impossible to do. How can you KNOW this person is going to harm someone else. There might be a situation, but this movie would not be that situation.
I believe this movie though did come out prior to Tenessee v. Garner so you are correct in that day you could shoot a fleeing felon.