
Who thinks they should make a soundtrack,i love the music while they are walking through the swamp and the cajun music.If anyone knows anything about a soundtrack please respond


I have been looking for this soundtrack for years. If you watch the ending credits you will notice that there was a soundtrack released. I would love to find it as it is really quite flawless


Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god!!!If there is one still left its either taken or a lot (with capital L) of money

"Civillian In Peace Soldier In War,I am the guard"-Southern Comfort


Maybe they'll release it on cd one day but I wouldn't hold your breath, it took them decades to release the soundtrack to Dirty Harry and that's a very popular film. Most people haven't even heard of Southern Comfort for some bizzare reason so i can't see a soundtrack release on the horizon anytime soon.
I adore Ry Cooder's atmospheric slide guitar, it's so *beep* powerful, yet at the same time subtle. Also the Cajun music at the end is pretty incredible. If there were any two soundtracks in the universe I could own it would be this and the soundtrack for Being There, and neither of them are available. Gutted...


For a time all that went around my head was the atmospheric rumble of Ry Cooder’s slide guitar. More specifically his turn on the Southern Comfort soundtrack which both exhilarated and scared the bejaysus out of me. And if his mood pieces weren’t enough there was the hypnotic Cajun music to be getting on with. The piece included here is ‘Parlez-Nous a Boire’ from the Balfa Brothers which arrived at the crux of Walter Hill’s movie when the threat of malice and the death of a domestic animal played out in a masterful montage of scenes. It may lack the scorching unforgiveness of Deliverance but Southern Comfort and its haunting soundtrack is the one I return to time and again.

the theme is on this album:


I'm big fan of this flick. The closest i could get to finding the soundtrack was purchasing a double CD of Ry Cooder's music for all the soundtrack's he's done. Walter Hill is a huge fan of Ry he's scored many of his movies. Here's a link to the CD i got.


If you like the music in this flick check out Dead Man with Johnny Depp. Neil Young did the score, very similiar feel and groove. Awesome flick as well.
