Using Blank Ammunition

Does anybody know if using blanks was commonplace in National Guard operations? When I was on active duty, we were given real rifles, but with the clips removed and a brace to prevent one from being inserted. I question what using blank rounds would accomplish even, other than some realistic battlefield noise. Finally, the blanks they removed from their rifles were not the typical crimped shell casings normally used, but appeared to be actual live rounds.


As a CF Reservist, we use blanks on exercise to simulate live ammunition, as you need to understand that you only have 30 (over seas I just put in 28) rounds into your magazine. You need to know how to clear a jam, which blanks cause more often due to the BFA keeping most of the carbon in the weapon. You also need to know how to clean your weapon, and as I said all htat extra carbon really gunks the thing up.



Ahh for once I get to witness two civilized and educated folks asking and answering questions here at the IMDb.

I am in a thousand winds that blow,
I am the softly falling snow.


When we fired blanks in the mid-70's, we had to fasten a 'blank adapter' on the end of the M-16 barrel to get the bolt to recoil.


thats the one thing that nags me about this film...there were no blank adapters...course they dont look as cool with them screwed on the front, but it would have made it a bit more realistic...blanks wont cycle the bolt without them...
