The Ninja Assassins

I just love that scene in Nosh's basement when Sharky faces off with those Oriental killers. One of the most vicious and gritty fight scenes in Hollywood history and Burt gets the best out of it, until they overpower him and he gets smacked in the back of his head.

I used to watch this over and over again when I had it on video. Sheesh, the number of times Burt kicks and punches those goons. I guess he was really angry, because he thought they'd killed Nosh (it was actually Billy Score).


It is a pretty good fight scene, albeit very short. I liked how dark and claustrophobic it looked as Sharky had to rely on regular street-fighting and weapons of opportunity (like a wooden folding chair), against the martial arts that Billy Score's two buddies specialized in. Like I said, the fight scene was too short, but still, it made for a good, tight drag-out brawl.


I thought that scene was hilarious.


The bit where Burt gets grabbed by the throat with the gun in his hand was used for a British VHS cover back in the mid-90s.


laughing at ninjas is very, very risky.

sake happens


They are NOT oriental killers. They are Asians.


Well, they were skilled at Ninjitsu.



I never did that before and never will. Thanks for the tip.




>> Eh, no i'm not Orientalese/Oriental/Asian. Nice try loser.

by yeah_yeah_yeah_4 (Wed Apr 2 2008 19:34:06)
You look like an R-TARD

Lighten up, chinaman.






Probably technically correct, but speaking as a Oriental, or Asian, it don't make no never mind... : )

"... My left foot will crush the right side of your face... Take a good look at my face... I'm a Oriental!"-- from My Name is Bruce (197?)



No I believe they were NOT Ninjas, rather they were chinese and Filipino, probably Jeet Kuen Do practitioners, as one of the assassins was Dan Inosanto, Bruce Lee's student and teacher, also...


That one assassin wasn't very smart to come charging in the boat cabin door after hearing gunshots.



Dan Inosanto, one of the "Chins", is a martial arts legend.
