why is Raiders trending as 'In Theatres'?
Also Grease
I'm curious..
Because cinematic is showing classics to get people in the theaters the next couple months
shareAre any theaters actually open? I've not seen any in my state that are open they are all still pretty much boarded up.
shareYes lots of theaters in free states... but if you live in a Democrat controlled state your probably out of luck. Remember that when you vote, you can vote for the fascist Democrats or vote for freedom. Your choice.
shareFree to catch coronavirus and die you mean?
The rest of the world regards the Republican party as fascist and President Chump is known as the Mango Mussolini.
The Democrats are more centrist than liberal anyway.
I assume you live in Oregon and have done too many drugs to see reality. You don't even seem to know what fascism even is. Go look it up and then get back to us at the moment you're simply spewing nonsense.
shareBetween condoning BLM/Antifa violence and implementing the hysterical corona virus overreaction, leftist states and cities have pretty much put an end to normal life as it was experienced in the U.S. for a couple of centuries. None of their actions have saved lives or improved life for anyone. We have nothing to thank them for. The free states are the only remaining refuge for non-sheep.
shareThe really funny thing is in the US the deaths per million people is highest in states that went on lockdowns... and not by a small amount but by a beg amount. New York has 1,741 deaths per million people... Texas that has much more limited lockdowns is 671. Funny but according to Comrade Cuomo, Texans should be piling up dead in the streets compared to New York where dear Comrade had the foresight to force nursing homes to accept infected patients to share the virus with the most vulnerable people... Oh well I guess Cuomo knew that older people were more likely to vote for Trump and not be fooled by the virus fear mongers so he had to eliminate as many as he could...Maybe Comrade Bidden can give him the Stalin medal for eliminating the undesirables
shareI'm not from the USA. I'm an outsider looking in, like a visitor to a zoo.
Trump supporters are in the chimpanzee enclosure wearing MAGA hats. Make Apes Great Again.
I'll take your failing to try and defend your ignorant comment on fascism as an admission that you finally looked up the definition and now know you were just an ignorant cunt.
shareIt's sad that new or recent movies have gotten so lackluster that they feel they need movies of the past to get people back into theaters.