This film really is bad. I'm sorry, but it is. If Fulci wanted to show something from his "mind", than I am even more sorry, it shows his mentality rate of a 9 year old. Some things have to be taken just as they appear. I don't even think the "dimension" talk is real. I think the ending simply means, that a horribly crafted family-no offence to the beautiful Catriona McCall- have suffered enough, so to add the final insault, the mommy and daddy die, leaving the girlish little boy to cry for his dolly! Then she comes, as a little ghost with a geaser granny! They take him to safety, and thats it!!! I cannot see why so many implied ending discussions have evolved over the time. It is really rediculous. I think some of you guys are really smart...such as the father daughter thing with the babysitter. But others...need to watch "The Shining"! This film was shot in a garage, and shown in the toilet theatre club as film of the month. I mean, c'mon, it has no balance or focus, Fulci just...could not make a film for the life of him...whatever was left...
As for the rest, I think we're all just opinionated film watchers, don't hate us cause we love movies!!!
Such a pretty world, I can't wait until its all MINE!