How I envision the new Prowler
I think the Prowler should be a Veteran that did time in Vietnam or Cambodia that saw way too much. Maybe he could be someone that was even captured. This guy could be like Rambo only not a hero. Way more dark and way worse. More like Kurtz from Apocalypse Now. He should come back completely unbalanced and a homicidal maniac. Rather than dressing in an American army outfit, I think he should dress in a black jumpsuit with a palm hat like this:
He should dress pretty much like the monsters from Vietnam or Cambodia. The Prowler should basically bring the Khmer Rouge home. The Prowler can not only be some guy that got a Dear John letter, but he can also be a guy that was really abused when he came home. This will all cause him to snap and bring the horror that he witnessed home. Maybe they can give him a burnt face too from a napalm explosion. He'll wear a mask, of course. Just like the original. All you need is Tom Savini working on the movie, who worked on the original and was also in Vietnam, and your in business.
The horror... the horror