Interesting and unique concept for the crazed killer
THE PROWLER was one among many of the teen/young adult horror slasher flicks so popular in the very late 70s to the early 80s. The movie came out in the theaters at the height of the genre.
Unlike today's horror flicks which offer extreme violent killers like monsters, creatures, aliens, et al, the killer from THE PROWLER was a wartime post-traumatic-stressed veteran who donned his battle fatigues as a disguise. I understand the psychological connection. The killer could have used a simple disguise but went to the great length of putting on his whole combat battle uniform ensemble. Why? He had to be a killer when wearing the uniform back in World War II, the European theater, just months ago. Now in order to kill again, he felt the psychological need to be dressed as one as before.
THE PROWLER is therefore the first as far as I know, to utilize the crazed combat veteran as a main starring role in a horror movie. Another poster mentioned the same observation one or two posts down from mine.
THE PROWLER is unique for the costume of the killer. The killer wore a complete American GI uniform from head-to-toe that was especially terrifying because he concealed his entire head and face. In the end, the WWII-uniformed disguised killer looked somewhat alien, almost non-human, which is what director Zito was probably aiming for.