Vicki Dawson (Pam)

Was it just me, or does Mrs. Dawson remind anyone else of Elisha Cuthbert? I kept thinking that they looked quite a bit alike while I was watching this. I suppose she'd be a good pick if there ever was a remake. Anyway, am I crazy, or does anyone else see a similarity?

Because you were home.


Yeah i can see it a little bit, now that you mention it.


I guess when she's in certain lighting shown from a certain angle she could almost pass for Cuthbert's less attractive sister. maybe.


Not relevant, but I couldn't get past her resemblence to my niece. (I know that means a hell of a lot to the rest of you.)


I think she looks a bit like P.J. Soles and Amy Steel (Ginny from Friday the 13th Part 2)

"I'm just a happy camper! Rockin' and a-rollin'!" - Patrick Bateman, American Psycho
