The greatest 80's slasher ever...
along with the burning (1981).
These 2 are unseperable.
"how about... a royal flush!" *loren avedon kicks a cauldron of boiling water into the bad guys*
along with the burning (1981).
These 2 are unseperable.
"how about... a royal flush!" *loren avedon kicks a cauldron of boiling water into the bad guys*
I have to say that I got really bored with the Prowler and turned it off. The plot was pretty boring. I have always wanted to watch the Burning but I am a little skeptical since you like it. No offense.
shareActually on second thought the prowler is better than the burning, simply because of the writing. i think the writing is slightly better in the prowler than in the burning.
randymil - sorry to hear you didnt enjoy it. i guess this one wasnt for you.
"how about... a royal flush!" *loren avedon kicks a cauldron of boiling water into the bad guys*
I have always wanted to watch the Burning but I am a little skeptical since you like it. No offense.
It's okay, but I think it's a bit cartoonish for a slasher flick. But that can be expected, considering how the writers of this movie, Neal Barbera and Glenn Leopold, were writers for Hanna-Barbera during the 70's and 80's. An interesting fact I found out is that Neal Barbera is the son of the late Joseph Barbera.
shareHa ha ha! Aren't Hannah-Barbera responsible for Scooby Doo?
What a coincidence! I watched this movie and at the end, it reminded me exactly of every Scooby Doo episode, where the "monster" has his mask taken off to reveal the caretaker, or the local doctor, etc. The only thing different about the ending of The Prowler was that the cop didn't say "if it hadn't been for you meddling kids I would've got away with this!"
Ha ha hah hahhh!
wow that is an amazing pick up!!!
"how about... a royal flush!" *loren avedon kicks a cauldron of boiling water into the bad guys*
The burning is a vastly superior flick, the "raft scene" has to be one of the best horror scenes EVER!
Nevertheless, The prowler is solid, but would be very forgettable if it wasn't for savini's effects
....back of the net.
Ok the Prowler and The Burning. Both not bad. Different settings. Different characters. I love both the dance/graduation theme and the camp theme. Not bad. But the 2 in this era and genre (besides My Bloody Valentine of course) that I can;t get away from is both Girls Nite Out and The Dorm That Dripped Blood. Often looked over but both awesome. Check them out if you get the chance to buy a copy.
shareIt's amazing when I read these message board posts about these eighties "classics". I remember seeing "The Prowler" in the movie theater when it was released in 1981. Believe me, the audience did not leave that theater feeling like they saw a great movie. It was decidedly lackluster as far as slasher movies were concerned.
Boy, give a mediocre film a couple of decades and you can repackage it and sell it as a classic. It's the American way!
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This movie was like a porno. You want to fast-forward to the money shots and skip the bad acting and horrible pacing. Tom Savini made this movie all by himself.
The bad pacing is what really does this movie in. I'm no fan of Tom Savini ,especially having met the man at different horror conventions, but I must give him his due for how well he directed "The Night of the Living Dead" 1990 remake. I have enjoyed re-watching that movie almost as much as the original version.
by s_jester 8 hours ago (Fri Oct 14 2011 06:11:57) Ignore this User | Report Abuse
This movie was like a porno. You want to fast-forward to the money shots and skip the bad acting and horrible pacing. Tom Savini made this movie all by himself.
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Having just watched this I would have to agree with you. The plot is enjoyably ridiculous but from a directorial perspective it also is well-made and effective. I enjoyed how at first it contrasted humor and and being-over the top with brutal and extremely realistic violence (go Tom Savini!), and then went on to become genuinely suspensful in the second half (which is why some people here found the movie "boring", I'm assuming). Right down to the music and visual style, this is a notably well-done slasher film, and it is a "cut" above the rest (ho ho!).
shareI really like 'The Prowler', but I think 'The Burning' is quite overrated. Didnt like it much.
The Prowler is my second favorite slasher film. The Burning is my favorite slasher film.
shareOne of the greatest. To me The Burning is the greatest.