What's with people claiming that she gave birth to the thing?
I have been reading in a number of comments and reviews that Adjani's character actually gave birth to the creature and that consequently, she is having an "incestuous" relationship with the thing. WTF?
I have seen this miserable, blasphemous film a number of times and nowhere does it appear suggested that she gives birth to the monster. One comment I read claims the subway scene as a flashback of this alleged birth, but this is obviously crap, as the film follows a very linear plotline and she is wearing the same blue dress before the scene, and afterwards she discusses the hideous miscarriage with the husband.
So, how is it quite a few people are coming to these ridiculous conclusions?
I have also noticed that most reviewers and commentators completely neglect any mention of the comedic aspects of the film, such as the bungling, incompetent private detective who cannot even keep his presence a secret and ends up having to literally chase Adjani to her front door since she is clearly aware of being followed. For me, this was one of the most hilarious scenes in any film I have ever seen, and yet this scene is ignored by literally all the major reviews, and probably all the minor ones as well.
And what of the dandy-like behaviour of the clearly bisexual Heinrich character, who actually makes a couple of passes at Neill who doesn't make a secret of the fact that he doesn't swing that way? Incredibly, this vital aspect of the Heinrich character is totally ignored.
And of course it is revealed to the audience when the head of the private detective agency meets with the husband after the murder of the investigator, that he and the detective were living together and apparently in love. When he discovers his lovers body in the apartment, he freaks out and attempts to kill Adjani.
Another scene that is ignored is where Neill appears to be in a hotel undergoing some kind of "The Wall" experience, grunge, mess, overdose, hallucinations and all. I say hotel because it doesn't seem like his place and a woman, who I always have assumed to be a housekeeper, appears, and he requests of her knowledge of how long he has been there. One might assume this to be a flashback, but after this scene he appears in the same grungy clothes, albeit clean-shaven, to take care of his kid. An important and vital scene totally ignored by commentators.
It is not the film itself which begs the question "WTF?" but the complete and seemingly intentional ignorance of commentators who flagrantly sidestep any mention of the most interesting aspects that warrant such a legitimate query.