SPOILER: ? about Dito
In a synopsis of the film that I've seen posted on multiple sites, it states that Pixote shot Dito by accident.
I realize that Pixote most likely wasn't an expert marksman at that point and that in the fray which was happening it could have been an accident. However, I suppose that he shot Dito on purpose.
I believe that Pixote loved Lilica very much, in a non-sexual way, and that he was very upset with Dito at that point. Dito was the reason Lilica left and Dito had also told Pixote that he should leave. He may have felt that Dito was going to ruin his relationship with Sueli also.
Pixote, as with all humans, had a strong need to be loved and Dito, at that point in the film, was in conflict with that need.
Please let me know what you think.