I did indeed man. A perfectly fun low budget Horror film.
I found it more enjoyable than the original Piranha (1978). The original had a bit of a lull for me towards the middle, the pacing wasn't the best in that one, whilst this sequel kept me entertained throughout. So I do agree with you on the pacing.
It has everything the original had and more, the only 'flaw' I can tell off is the flying fish concept which is admittedly a tad goofy but all these Piranha films are. That's the charm of them, if that stops someone from enjoying this film I don't know what to say... what do some people look for in these sorts of films?
The gore in this film easily matches the original, the pacing is better, the humor is just as good if not better and yes the additional T&A is another pro.
The fact the original is a 5.9 on IMDB with this sequel being a 3.7 and one and a half thousand ratings away from finding itself on IMDBs bottom 100 rated films of all time is baffling.