what happened to the couple?

Remember that the couple was eaten in the very beginning of a movie?
But where are their bodies, because main characters entered into the wrecks and there is no trace of them

There's got to be a better way to make a living!
Quote by Kyle Katarn, Dark Forces II


<<But where are their bodies, because main characters entered into the wrecks and there is no trace of them >>

Navy ships tend to be very large. It's quite conceivable that the remains of the two divers at the start of the film were never discovered, considering that the divers who we see entering the wreck later didn't exactly do a thorough search of the entire vessel.


thanks for an answer, but i really regret how the poor woman was eaten and no sign of her body

There's got to be a better way to make a living!
Quote by Kyle Katarn, Dark Forces II


<<thanks for an answer, but i really regret how the poor woman was eaten and no sign of her body >>

Well, it IS meant to be a horror movie. If a search had been conducted, some form of remains would have been found, most likely just bones that had been picked over by the fish.

It is interesting that nobody notices the disappearance of the two divers, though. You'd have thought somebody at the resort, whether staff or other guests that they had met would have eventually noticed their absence.


do you think that woman had chance to escape during attack??

There's got to be a better way to make a living!
Quote by Kyle Katarn, Dark Forces II


<<do you think that woman had chance to escape during attack?? >>

No. They were both torn to shreds.


I meant, could she swim away when her husband was attacked first, before pirahnas could get her...

There's got to be a better way to make a living!
Quote by Kyle Katarn, Dark Forces II


<<I meant, could she swim away when her husband was attacked first, before pirahnas could get her...>>

They would have most likely been attacked simultaneously, given that they were in the middle of copulation at the time of said attack.

Even if there was a tangible delay between the two divers getting attacked, she'd not have been able to swim to the surface on one breath of air. She would have to:

1. Stay calm

2. Find her scuba tank, face mask and light

3. Find her way out of the ship (not an easy thing to do under the best of circumstances, if you're unaccustomed to the layout of a ship)

4. Calmly swim to the surface to avoid an embolism

In other words, the odds fall somewhere between slim and none at all.

I think it's safe to say that both divers at the beginning of the movie were toast.


they were not attacked simaltaneuosly, she was actually pushed away, when husband was attacked... any thoughts? also which parts of her body were attacked first?

There's got to be a better way to make a living!
Quote by Kyle Katarn, Dark Forces II


<<they were not attacked simaltaneuosly, she was actually pushed away, when husband was attacked... any thoughts? also which parts of her body were attacked first? >>

You're talking about, at best, a difference of maybe a minute, probably far less.

What you see on screen is she appears to be trying to swim upwards, to get away from the piranha, but a bulkhead (or the deck or overhead, depending on the orientation of the ship as it lay on the sea floor) blocks her egress. Then there's a shot of her head twisting from side to side as the screen goes red. The last is of her hand (or at least it looks like a woman's hand) slipping off screen, twitching, suggesting that she was also attacked.

As I said before, even if she escaped before being bitten, the odds are against her making to the surface and surviving. If she WAS bitten, given the bite radius seen on the diver in the morgue later in the movie, it's quite likely she'd have either bled to death or died from shock.

Given the fact that we never see her again, one has to assume she's dead, Jim.



interesting what were her last thoughts, when pirahna were eating her?

There's got to be a better way to make a living!
Quote by Kyle Katarn, Dark Forces II

