Alternate Version

For those of you who have not read Frank Sanello's book, Stallone: A Rocky Life, it contains some very interesting info regarding the production of Nighthawks. Believe it or not, during editing Stallone felt that his screentime was limited and Hauer was getting to do more flashier things like blow up buildings and mow down cops. Stallone demanded a recut of the film to emphasize his scenes (Which explains why there's additional scenes of Lindsay Wagner only found in lobby cards). Both the Hauer and Stallone cuts were previewed by audiences and ultimately preferred the Hauer version over Stallone's. The Hauer version became the movie we see today.


Very interesting story. I wonder if the original director, Gary Nelson, stepped down for that reason. There was more evidence of deleted scenes found elsewhere. I know of two scenes filmed with Wagner and Stallone that weren't used. One took place at a bar or house party with Wagner and Stallone. The other was a love scene with Wagner and Stallone. There were stills from the two scenes in the Japanese movie program. Composer Keith Emerson had created a track also for the love scene. According to Emerson, Stallone made this comment after watching his love scene with Wagner, "That's the last time i go in Billy Dee's trailer".


Where would I be able to read some of Keith Emerson comments about these missing scenes?


Emerson doesn't go into detail regarding the deleted scenes. Here is an excerpt taken from the linear notes found on the CD soundtrack to Nighthawks. Stallone's character is referred to as De Soto in the notes below. I'm not sure if that may have been his original last name before being changed to Da Silva during production or an error on Emerson's part.

Spotting involves sitting back in one of Universal Studio's plush cinemas along with a pro spotter (Harry Betts) to find where music should go, while they run the footage they've got so far.

"That bit when De Soto tries to get back with his ex-wife (Lindsay Wagner), we need some love interest there" said Harry.

I made notes. (Hummmm, love interest). Sly, whom i now felt comfortable addressing as such, felt uncomfortable watching the rushes. His comments upon viewing the love scenes between Lindsay and himself led him to say "That's the last time i go in Billy Dee's trailer". Most of it was cut along with the love interest music.


It reminds me of Jean-Claude Van Damme complaining that there was too much of Lance Henriksen in Hard Target. JCVD even tried to edit his own version of the movie.
