I happen to be huge fan of this movie.Now,i seen extended versions of Stallone's movies "First Blood" and "Cobra",but i never found extended version of "Nighthawks".However,over the years several people,movie fanatics like me,have told me that there was extended version shown in cinemas in Yugoslavia during 1980's.I don't know much about this version,but i noticed that there are few things that everyone who seen it seems to remember:
Victims of Wulfgar's bomb explosion covered in blood,
Longer shootout in disco scene,
Hartman's death was shown onscreen with bullet coming out of his skull,
Shaka hits the bus after she gets shot and then falls on ground with blood flowing from her head,
And uncut,6 shot ending!
I personaly didn't believe in this claims,but just a little while ago i found 6 Yugoslavian lobby cards of "Nighthawks", and on one of them,there is picture of Wulgar covered in blood and with 5 or 6 bullet holes in him,leaving the trail of blood on wall!
Someone even said to me that in uncut ending there was Robocop-like headshot in Wulfgar death scene.
So,did anyone else seen this in some other European cinemas? Could there be uncut version available on some bootleg VHS?
Holy *beep* is some great info,thanks man! Can you tell me some other scenes that were cut?
About extended version of "Cobra": When i was kid,my friend's dad borrowed me VHS of "Cobra". It wasn't in some great condition,but still,i liked the movie,and i kept it with me for several months before i returned it.
Some time ago,i got blu-ray edition of "Cobra" and after my first viewing,i was like WTF?! Movie was only 1 hour and 25 minutes long! So many scenes were deleted that i remember from VHS version. One scene that comes to my mind is much longer and gorier version of Nightslasher's and sniper gang member death scenes.
I could list more of them here,but i already did that for Alternate Versions section on "Cobra" IMdb page. Check it out and let me know what you think.
EDIT: I made a mistake here. This extended cut,AKA workprint,didn't have any subtitles. Extended TV cut did.
Also,rumors about 2 hour long TV version of COBRA are FAKE.
Great,now i want to see uncut version more than ever! Why Universal doesn't release it already? And what about Stallone,does he even knows how many fans this movie have? Looks like he's never gonna do something to release full versions of his old movies.
Up until some time ago,i thought that i have already seen all deleted,AKA extra TV scenes of First Blood,but after listening some cast and crew interviews and reading some movie trivia,i found out that original rough cut of First Blood was near 3 hours long!
Why is it that every good Stallone movie is butchered so much? Was he in some kind of fight with movie studios?
Anyway,thanks for all this info that you shared with us. Nice to see that i'm not only one who is searching for uncut version of NIGHTHAWKS.
First of all,sorry if i'm boring you with my replies.
I know that infamous head in the vise scene in CASINO was edited by MPAA,but i'm not sure about any other scenes.
Guys from Universal are really big *beep* I mean,there were many movies with rivers of blood and gore in cinemas for the last 10 years or more,and they still sitting with thumbs in their *beep* when it comes about releasing uncut versions of movies like CASINO or NIGHTHAWKS. Have you watched HALLOWEEN 2 from 1981? Same damn thing! They still don't want to release this movie uncut.
Thanks for all kind words.Glad to see that there are still some people out there who are trying to find uncut versions of all kinds of movies.
HALLOWEEN 2 was not cut down because of great gore scenes. Only thing that got deleted is additional murder scene and some small dialogue scenes. But some FRIDAY THE 13TH movies from the same time were attacked by MPAA. I personaly liked some sequels of Friday The 13th movies (most of the time only because killing scenes full of gore and teenage kids with empty heads and full chest) but it sucks that part 2 and 4 have lost way too much gore scenes by the hands of stupid censors.
(IMDb,i didn't swear this time,i got cut down from R-rated to PG-13.Happy now?)
Anyway,there are some old movies that got pass uncut by MPAA,but they still suffered from heavy censorship.
Take MARATHON MAN for example.This movie is classic,but still,nobody wants to show uncut fight scenes with Doc character or his uncut death scene.Not to mention that the infamous torture scene has been cut down so badly that i had to find original MARATHON MAN book by William Goldman to find out what the hell happened in that scene.
What do you think,is there some chance that maybe in the close future we will get to see uncut vesions of NIGHTHAWKS,COBRA or MARATHON MAN?
P.S. Don't be so sure that DIE CITY COBRA is uncut version of...well,COBRA. I read that it only has one extra line from Cobretti - "You have right to remain silent".That line is not in some UK DVD editions,from what i heard.
There were some behind the scenes footage of FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 4 (FINAL CHAPTER) where all gore scenes are shown uncut. Some fans of the series made fan edit of the movie with all gore intact. While i'm still searching for this version,what i really want to see is uncut version of FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 2. I read that not only some gore scenes got cut out (extended death of cop who chases Jason and more grusome cut of two impaled teenagers death scene) but one entire murder scene.
However,some movies like MY BLOODY VALENTINE got released uncut during the last few years,and FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 7 for example,has been released in uncut workprint.
MARATHON MAN was originally released in cinemas uncut,but violence was considered really strong for the time so following scenes got cut out:
Doc arrives on some airport,and accidently finds his old friend beaten to death by two assasins. He goes completely mad and nearly kills two of them,before he stops and walks away saying "Show some respect to the corpse." This sequence was 8 minutes and 30 seconds long.
Fight scene with chinese assasin had much more blood and violence and it had more footage of fight scene inside appartment.
Doc's death scene had additional close up on his stabbing wound.
Torture scene was much longer and gut wrenching from what i heard. After viewing some online lobby cards,stills and production notes for the movie,here's what i have found out: Szell's drill wasn't good enough and it always would stuck in Babe's tooth during the torture.Then there was one more Babe's tooth that got messed up when Szell put some two dental instruments in it and pull it out,showing the red nerve of the tooth to one of his man.
I've waited 37 years to see the deleted airport fight sequence from MARATHON MAN. By all accounts it was Roy Scheider's number one reason for agreeing to do this movie, and he must have been royally pissed off when they cut it out.
I just watched Nighthawks again and i noticed some interesting things.
During the disco shootout we see only one guy killed by Wulfgar,but there is one second where Deke and Fox are starting to run after Wulgar where you can see people behind them looking on the floor.Now,guy who got shot when Wulfgar starts to shoot falls on the right side,same side where Deke and Fox have ducked in for cover,but few seconds later,when people are watching aftermath of the shootout some of them watching right and left side of the floor.
This might means that there were indeed more people killed in shootout,as roeg has said in earlier post.Also,gun that Wulfgar uses has 8 bullets in it,not 7,so we could say that Wulfgar killed 3 or 4 people when he opens fire.
In Wulfgar's death scene there is that lousy editing,but if you play this scene in slow motion when Deke shoots him first time and if you look closely,you can see holes on Rutger Hauer's shirt(or what ever you call it).These are probaly make up effects for fake blood and meat to explode when he gets shot.I counted two holes in shoulders (including one where he got shot already),two in hips and one on chest.
After watching this and reading about animatronic prop head that was used for headshot in uncut ending,i think that we can agree once and for all that Wulgar gets shot in same places where Deke shoots paper target earlier in the movie.
And one thing more,if Dick Smith is the one who made special effects for Nighthawks,you can be sure that prop head from uncut ending was something special.Just look at the man's work on Exorcist and you will see what i mean. Is he still alive?Cause if he is,maybe someone could mailed him and ask him about his work on Nighthawks.
I'm sorry to hear that.Smith was truly great makeup artist.I don't know if you know this,but he also did the special effects for MARATHON MAN,and what a surprise,makers of that movie also censored some of his work.
I could send E-mail to Universal,but what could one man,even if he is great fan of Nighthawks,could do in order to get uncut version?Maybe some group petition could be more helpfull.
One new thing that i noticed in NIGHTHAWKS is cut down soundtrack.Instead of wasting space on this board to rant about it,i will direct you to another message board called "Uncut ending music" where i posted some of my comments on this music censorship.
Also,i noticed that you posted some messages on DARK OF THE SUN and DARKER THAN AMBER pages,so i wanted to ask can you tell me something about long lost uncut version of DOTS,or what was exactly cut out from fight scene in DTA? I have seen these movies,and although DOTS is obviously censored to *beep* i didn't notice any cuts in DTA.
Ha-ha-ha!Yeah, i love it when they made stupid mistake like that and ending up *beep* up the things for themselves,but at least we fans get to see uncut versions in their full glory. I will give some of my thoughts about what you described about DARK OF THE SUN and DARKER THAN AMBER in my second post,but first,i have to say something to sifu1990:
I couldn't find anything new about MARATHON MAN airport fight scene,and i'm pretty sure you didn't too.So keep looking.
I have already told all TV and extented cut scenes of COBRA on two or three different posts,all i can tell you that i didn't mention only one small,but cool looking scene where Cobretti is in some elevator looking at city while sun is going down,and some cool music is playing.I think that music could be Skyline track from original soundtrack,but don't take my word for it.
As much as i like that you and other Stallone fans are helpfull about finding uncut NIGHTHAWKS,i must say that you guys have made slight mistake.If it's true what you said that somebody mentioned that i watched uncut version (i don't like making account for any actor fan blogs) well,they are WRONG.I have never seen uncut version of NIGHTHAWKS,but it took me quite a few years and many questions before i found about dozen people who told me everything about European cinema version of movie.Also,i never said that Wulfgar died just like Murphy in Robocop,i said that there was Robocop like gore effects for final shooting scene.One small thing that i didn't mentioned in my earlier posts is that there was close up on Wulfgar and Deke before he puts final headshot round in him,at least from what i have been told.
I don't know anything about other movies that you mentioned, (all right,all right,i don't like them,O.K.?) but as you know,new version of THE PUNISHER has been cut down by MPAA,but only thing they cut out was that big Russian guy eyes melting,more graphic shot of death scene of henchman who gets machete in head,and some parts from final shootout,like for instance,guy who gets shot with double barreled shotgun originally had parts of his body flying left and right.
I'm still searching for any info about workprint of DESPERADO,so don't PM me anymore,i will let you know if i find anything,all right?
Take my advice,don't bother with these new CGI light show festivall *beep* movies and take a look at some better modern movies,like DRIVE,which i know you liked.
Thank you so much for this great info,roegcamel!I must have been looking for description of missing violence in DARK OF THE SUN for over two years,thank you! Now,that i read this great list,i'l put DARK OF THE SUN right next to the NIGHTHAWKS and MARATHON MAN on my most wanted uncut release list.
Based on your decription of R rated scenes in DARKER THAN AMBER,i do have uncut version,thankfully.Wasn't there some Joe Don Baker movie from 1970's where he beats up some cop in fight scene similar to the one in DARKER THAN AMBER? I think that in this movie was also great torture scene where some guy ear is shot off and his other is hooked up to a car battery.
I liked THE BURNING and EYES OF THE STRANGER.First one is great,gory horror movie with amazing Tom Savini special effects,but EYES OF THE STRANGER has some great tension moments.
The following is list of all possible deleted/extended scenes from one of my favorite 80's action movies, Nighthawks. All scenes listed here are based on pictures and informations found by other fans of the movie plus claims of many others.
Note - This list is fan made and some parts could be wrong.
Uncut London bombing scene - There appears to be too many quick cuts in this scene, and few people mentioned that some uncut European theatrical version had much more violent version of bombing with victims covered in blood and some of them walking out of the shop. This German lobby card shows this extended scene;
Alternate take/version of first drug bust. Matt holds the drug dealer at gunpoint with shotgun pressed behind dealer's head while in the movie he holds the shotgun in front of dealer's face;
Extended drug bust - This un-corfirmed scene is based on something that one IMDB user has said. According to him, original drug bust ended with Deke and Matt stopping city bus and telling all passengers to get out so they could place arrested drug dealers in bus and then took them to the police station. I'm very sure that this is IMDB user's mistake.
Second drug bust - Several still photos and lobby cards show Deke and Matt in another drug bust, this time in some apartment with white walls and about six drug dealers, male and female, being arrested. In this scene Matt holds black drug dealer at gunpoint which made me think that this scene is; alternate drug bust possibly with stronger language and violence or subplot about police coruption, or second drug bust taking place before or after Deke talks with Irene in her shop about their life together.
Notice in pictures 2 and 3 how black drug dealer holds some money in his right hand. If this is some alternate scene maybe (like in theatrical version of the drug bust scene) it also included attempt from dealer to bribe Matt and Deke;
Wulfgar apartment raid - Maybe there was bloodier version of Wulfgar gunning down three London cops and his IRA partner Kenna, but this is just my own thought. There is one photo that shows better view of three cops getting hit by the bullets with visible bloody holes on them.
Wulfgar and plastic surgeon - Several US, German and Spanish lobby cards show Wulfgar and Shaka showing plastic surgeon photos of Wulfgar's desired look.
Wulfgar kills plastic surgeon - There are some reports about missing scene shown on some 90's TV broadcasts of the movie where Wulfgar kills plastic surgeon. Me and many other fans think that this might not be true.
Deleted scenes between Deke and Irene;
One still photo shows Deke and Irene talking while some christmas decorations are seen in background.
Few stills and behind the scenes photos show Deke and Irene in her house while some party is going on. While one photo shows them somewhat happy, other one shows Irene possibly upset or angry at Deke.
Deke and Irene love scene - There are many photos, lobby cards and still shots where Deke and Irene are seen in her house, talking in what appears to be bedroom, and then on stairwell while Deke holds her hand. This scene might be placed before or after Deke and Matt are searching and then chasing after Wulfgar, although it probably was placed after the subway chase.
Theatrical trailer shows three small extended scenes. Wulfgar looking at city map in subway while being observed by street cop, Wulfgar slowly moving towards building which he is about to blow up, and Deke and Matt walking across street searching for Wulfgar in Disco bars.
Extended weapons check - Some lobby cards show Wulfgar in his new girlfriend's apartment checking his MAC-10 submachine gun after he takes two grenades from his suitcase;
Alternate version of the scene where Deke regognizes Wulfgar in disco scene. In this version he puts drawing of Wulfgar on the wall and shows it to Matt;
Disco shootout - This is possibly one of the most talked about censored scenes of Nighthawks, along with ending. In normal version of the movie we see Wulfgar shooting his gun three times, but only one person is shot. If you pay attention behind Deke and Matt when Wulgar starts running, some dancers are looking on different sides of the floor, meaning that there could be more victims in this scene. Gun used by Wulfgar in this scene is Walther P 38, which contains 8 bullets, but during the subway chase, Deke says "That's seven! He should be out!" but this line could be easily dubbed when scene was censored in order to avoid continuity problem. One report that i got mentiones that uncut version of this scene was like shopping mall shootout in Commando (1985).
Wulfgar and Shaka love scene - One photo shows Shakka touching Wulfgar's face after he escapes from Deke and Matt. Rumour is that just like with Deke and Irene, there was also a love/sex scene between Wulfgar and Shakka which was deleted.
Deke on some meeting - One fan mentioned seeing photo of deleted scene where Deke is talking with some people. While he wears checkered shirt, they are wearing suits.
Hartman's death scene - There is obvious fast cut in this scene when Shaka is about to shoot Hartman. His death scene was apparently shown onscreen in some uncut European theatrical version of the movie where you could see his head blown open as bullet hits him in eye. This headshot scene is said to look very similar to the headshot of Alex Murphy in Robocop.
Shakka's death scene - After Shakka gets shot, pay attention to bus driven by Wulfgar. There is huge amount of blood on side. Uncut version apparently shows her hitting that side of bus after she gets shot and then falling on ground with blood flowing from her head.
Aftermath of hostages rescue - One fan said that he had picture of Deke in his civilian clothes and with police badge around his neck talking with diplomat who's wife was killed by Wulfgar during the hostage situation. If this scene was filmed, it could be viewed as another reason for Deke's cold blooded revenge on Wulfgar during the finale.
Wulfgar death scene - Most (in)famous cut scene of the movie. Based on reports that i got from people who said they saw some uncut European theatrical version of the movie, here's how i think that scene was filmed; Deke shoots Wulfgar in left shoulder, probably destroying his colar bone. Wulfgar falls back, hits the wall, tries to get up but falls on his right side on the wall only to get shot again. After hitting the wall again, Wulfgar in great pain still goes on Deke who is now closer to him but Deke shoots him in left hip. Wulfgar falls back, but refuses to fall on floor, even while pain is getting stronger. Deke shoots him again, in right hip, sending him to hit the wall next to the door. Wulgar rises up again, drenched in blood and still refuses to fall, even though his body is almost destroyed. Deke shoots him again, this time in chest (maybe little higher, closer to neck). Wulfgar falls back, hits the door and smashes the windows. Maybe in this part he is in such suffering and dellusion from pain that he decides to escape. So he barely manages to open the doors, when Deke, in close up, fires last, final shot in his head, sending Wulgar's body flying out of the house. Also, i was told that headshot in this scene was similar to the one in Frank Booth's death scene in Blue Velvet (1986). Special effects makeup artist Dick Smith made animatronic head of Rutger Hauer that would react facially after its head gets blown open in gory fashion, but that effect was unfortunately cut because of the either Universal studio or MPAA. Soundtrack for the movie has one track called "Face To Face" which is not in the movie, cause it was used in uncut ending which was around 2 or 3 minutes long, and that track was composed for the Wulfgar's death scene where he is torn to pieces by Deke's bullets in slow-mo.
Deke and Irene comforting each other - Afterwards, Irene comes downstairs, sees what Deke has done and they hold each other. Finally, movie ends with Deke stepping out, sitting on steps and watching Wulfgar's dead body and feeling some guilt after killing him in such brutal way. This last scene is based on couple of still photos of Deke and Irene comforting each other on stairwell, and different ending found on some widescreen or fullscreen DVD edition which instead of still shot of Deke sitting on stairs shows Deke sitting and putting his hands on his head while end credits roll.
Last time I watched this I read about all the cuts, and was shocked. I never realized the movie had been butchered. I've seen it so many times, and loved it every time, just as it was.
Today, I saw it again, and it finally occurred to me... that Deke shot Wulfgar in EXACTLY the same way and order he did the paper target! After the first shot, as Wulfgar stumbles backward, you can see bloody bullet wounds in BOTH shoulders, etc. It's clear Deke shot him 5 times. Then you see the "2nd" shot, in the face (only you don't really get to see the damage). The guy really deserved it.
Also, the last time I watched this and read about it here, I was really surprised to learn it had started life as "FRENCH CONNECTION III". For the last 2 decades, this tape has sat on my shelf right next to my tape of FRENCH CONNECTION (i & II), as I always felt they were stylistically similar. They start out jumping back and forth between countries, there's long stretches before the heroes cross paths with the foreign villain, and you have an exciting sequence with the subway. The subway scene in NIGHTHAWKS is virtually a combination of the 2 separate train scenes in FRENCH CONNECTION. The first when Gene Hackman is following "Frog One" (and loses him, beating his fist against the train window), the 2nd the scene inside the moving elevated train when the cop is following the hitman.
NIGHTHAWKS always felt like a tribute to FC to me, so it was a kick to find out it almost starred Hackman & Richard Pryor. Personally, I think DeSilva & Fox were more likable.
Crazy but true: I actually went to see NIGHTHAWKS in a theatre without knowing anything about the plot. I went specifically because I saw it had Keith Emerson music in it!