MovieChat Forums > Nighthawks (1981) Discussion > Sly is too soft in this!!!! (Spoilers)

Sly is too soft in this!!!! (Spoilers)

I know Sly is not Rambo in this, or an icon figure that hes acustomed for, but he comes over as a real softie in this movie. I mean, he had Wulfgar clear in his sights in one scene, and he would'nt take a shot, and the police department scene where he says " I did'nt join the force to kill people" makes me cringe. Its just not Sly in this movie.



I think Sly's character Deke was made a little soft because he was still suffering the effects from being in Vietnam which explains his reluctance to killing. But towards the end Deke does what he needs too especially once Wulfgar targets his wife.

Sly turned in one of his best performances in Nighthawks. Sure it still has action but it is also character driven.



Well, his Rambo and star persona overshadows his work but I thought he tried hard in disappearing into the role of a cop who was righteous and who followed the rules, one who tried not to cross the boundaries. He can`t play the same character all the time.


It's called character. Didn't you pay attention? He was reluctant to shoot with innocents around. He is unwilling to chance accidently hurting others, which is why SPOILER he is disguised as his ex-wife at the end. He is willing to risk himself only (his ex-wife, sort of too, but he knew he was coming for her anyway.)


Stallone's downplaying this role IS what makes this an exceptional film.


Anyone else have a problem with how easily Deke almost draws a perfect match of Wulfgar in pencil? I love this film, but that was a little too convenient for me.


I do agree with you there regarding the drawing. Still really like the film overall though.


This was before the steroids filled him with uncontrollable rage
