It was indeed a good movie with some strong and interesting characters. Actually come to think of it, the movie was quite gritty and very much in the vein of "The French Connnection" and "Serpico".
I really liked the fact that the movie takes its time to develop the action and sets-up quite nicely the invevitable confrontation between Stallone and Hauer. I wish Stallone had done more movies like that one, because to be honest, he was quite good in "Nighthawks". Had he not done soo many sequels and prequels, he would certainly had the time to set his career right.
Though he did "Cobra" some 5 years after "Nighthawks", that was just a pure pop-corn, adrenaline shock type of movie..."You are the disease and I am the cure!" LOL...
"Cop Land" was certainly not bad at all, but it was too little too late, by then when it came out in 1997 Stallone's carreer was pretty much dead in its tracks, and it never really recovered...I mean "Stop Or My Mom Will Shoot", "Oscar", "Demolition Man" and "Judge Dread", "The Specialist", "Assasins" kind of sealed his fate as an actor...the remake to "Get Carter" was not that bad but it was also too late...
After all this is the guy who is responsable for two of the most indelible characters in cinema, "Rocky", such a classic, classic role and movie, and though many might disagree, "Rambo". The first "Rocky" was just a solid movie period, it stands up there with the best, while the first "Rambo" really set the standard for action movies. The subsequent intallments in both these franchises got more and more ridiculous and unecessary...
But "Nighthawks" is one of the few stand-alone movies in Stalone's carreer (the others being ""Over The Top" and "Lock Down") that is really good, instead some of the dreadful projects he got involved with!
"Today is the tomorrow I was so worried about yesterday"--Anthony Hopkins