MovieChat Forums > Nighthawks (1981) Discussion > Stallone responds to possible Nighthawks...

Stallone responds to possible Nighthawks sequel and remake

The Ain't It Cool website ( held a Q&A session with Stallone back in November, 2006. Stallone took questions from the online audience. One of the questions asked was a possible sequel to Nighthawks:

Hi Mr. Stallone,
I was just wondering if there was any chance you would do a sequel to Nighthawks. I really liked that movie and you did a great job in it.


Victoria, British Columbia

Dear Jeff… I would’ve loved to have done a sequel to NIGHTHAWKS, especially now… but I think the opportunity is gone. I got away with it (or at least I hope I got away with it) with ROCKY BALBOA, but I think to pull NIGHTHAWKS together at this date, and at my age, would make this task almost impossible. But it would make a decent remake with a pair of contrasting actors, so maybe you’ve got my wheels turning a little bit, Jeff.


I'm sure it would be a great sequel,it would be very modern because it would deal with daily themes of terrorism.
I would like to watch a such movie again and I would be interesting in seeing how the plot develops.
We must remember that movie is dated 1981(in that age there were terroristic attacks like Bologna's station in 1980)but maybe now more than in that time this theme is present.
We can say that was a great movie,Nighthawks is one of my Stallone's favourite movies and what I like in it is also the acting of other characters(great Rutger Hauer and Nigel Davenport!)




Actually Sly is always remembered and appreciated for other movies,this one is less mentioned by people and I find this a great mistake because this movie deserves more consideration.


With as much as Stallone appears to have learned over the years about directing, I have no doubt, if he put his mind to it, he could direct a BETTER version (remake) of Nighthawks.

The original, as much as I like it, did have its flaws...


Wait a minute... who am I here?


As much as I don't believe I'm even typing this as I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE the original Night Hawks and don't think a remake is necessary...

It COULD be done. WITH Stallone.

Stallone could play the Nigel Davenport character...sans accent.

"Good thing he was pretty, 'cause he sure wasn't whiz kid Floyd."


I love this film also. It's a perfect early 80s NY time capsule and that's the only way to enjoy it.

dance godammit




It was indeed a good movie with some strong and interesting characters. Actually come to think of it, the movie was quite gritty and very much in the vein of "The French Connnection" and "Serpico".

I really liked the fact that the movie takes its time to develop the action and sets-up quite nicely the invevitable confrontation between Stallone and Hauer. I wish Stallone had done more movies like that one, because to be honest, he was quite good in "Nighthawks". Had he not done soo many sequels and prequels, he would certainly had the time to set his career right.

Though he did "Cobra" some 5 years after "Nighthawks", that was just a pure pop-corn, adrenaline shock type of movie..."You are the disease and I am the cure!" LOL...

"Cop Land" was certainly not bad at all, but it was too little too late, by then when it came out in 1997 Stallone's carreer was pretty much dead in its tracks, and it never really recovered...I mean "Stop Or My Mom Will Shoot", "Oscar", "Demolition Man" and "Judge Dread", "The Specialist", "Assasins" kind of sealed his fate as an actor...the remake to "Get Carter" was not that bad but it was also too late...

After all this is the guy who is responsable for two of the most indelible characters in cinema, "Rocky", such a classic, classic role and movie, and though many might disagree, "Rambo". The first "Rocky" was just a solid movie period, it stands up there with the best, while the first "Rambo" really set the standard for action movies. The subsequent intallments in both these franchises got more and more ridiculous and unecessary...

But "Nighthawks" is one of the few stand-alone movies in Stalone's carreer (the others being ""Over The Top" and "Lock Down") that is really good, instead some of the dreadful projects he got involved with!

"Today is the tomorrow I was so worried about yesterday"--Anthony Hopkins


That's what the world needs. Another *beep* remake.


Surely he has improved as a director since Demolition Man and Cobra, right? I think he could do it. I can't think of anyone who could replace Billy Dee Williams though. Mekhi Phifer and Taye Diggs are good actors, but they couldn't replace Billy Dee.

"There is no escape, John!"



Hey DeRo64, Billy Dee Williams can easily be replaced by Samuel L. Jackson.

There is no "off" position on the genius switch.


I guess. I'll have to see the movie again, but Sammy Jack (yes, I did just say that) might work out. Otherwise, I think a woman could just as easily play the role if they change the first name. Sgt. Mattie Fox?

"There is no escape, John!"


If they make a sequel, I hope they can bring Billy Dee Williams back on board. If they have Matthew Fox (Billy's character, not the actor) played by someone like Tommy Lee Jones or Aaron Eckhart, I may just have to choke some people to death!

"There is no escape, John!"


Sequel wouldn't work, the characters played by Stallone and Williams would surely be retired by now.

Remake? Would it even stand out today, given how many cop buddy movies we've had since then? Four Lethal Weapons, three Rush Hours etc.

If anything, End of Watch is the Nighthawks of today's generation so it's been beaten to it.


If Rocky Balboa listened to Lady this the movie we'd get?


Does End of Watch have a face-changing terrorist, a cross-dressing cop, and a cop whose level of smoothness Keith Stone desperately tried to emulate in those stupid beer commercials but failed miserably on account of being incredibly annoying to the point where I wanted to reach through the screen and strangle him?!
Oh, and in case of the unlikely event that the actor who plays Keith Stone happens to read this message, I got a message for him: Hold your own damn stones, you creepy redneck!! You're about as smooth as a rusty chainsaw!!
At least the Velveeta Blacksmith can actually be funny ... and I've really gone off on a tangent, haven't I. So, back to my question: Does End of Watch have all those things?

"There is no escape, John!"


Both Nighthawks and End of Watch work as grittier buddy movies that take a look at the effect police work can have on cops families/love lives, as well as the cops themselves. That's what I meant.


If Rocky Balboa listened to Lady this the movie we'd get?


In other words, what Dragnet tried to be?

"There is no escape, John!"




If Rocky Balboa listened to Lady this the movie we'd get?
