I wonder if Nighthawks would work if it were set in modern times now or if they ever remade it? One of the major plot points in 1981 was that the NYPD didn't think that terrorism was anything special. Deke and Fox thought that Wulfgar was a regular criminal, and they didn't need Hartman's help to catch him. Eventually they learned. But nowadays, there isn't a single cop in NYC who would underestimate an international terrorist. They would willingly join the task force and not avoid it.
I'm shocked that no one has tried to remake this gritty flick. This and the original Taking of Pelham 1,2,3. Are two favorites of mine. I was ok with the Tony Scott remake. Though again it wasn't that gritty. Nighthawks & TP1,2,3 New York were almost as big a character as any star on screen.... The Terrorism angle is as hot as ever so in my estimation it could be done... With the right director and cast
Agreed but as a rule I am not a fan of remakes. They almost always fall way short of their predecessors (and yes, there are certainly some exceptions to this but we don't need to list them here -- I freely acknowledge they exist).
Wouldn't it be better and more satisfying to see a new story addressing a similar theme (a crazed & brilliant terrorist on the loose in the U.S)?
Nah, they only hate portrayals of MUSLIM terrorists. Forget the fact that they are the ones committing 90 percent of the terror in the real world. It's the 21st Century, and truth takes a back seat to feelings. Any discernible pattern that might give offense to the less enfranchised must be ignored, lest the observer be accused of racism or, at the very least, Islamophobia.
The solution, of course, is to make sure that any terrorist we portray in our story is a white Christian male. Problem solved.
(And how fortunate that Wulfgar, the bad guy in the original, fits this profile).
And yes, Kobi, it is indeed a world gone mad. But that's a conversation for another time.
Back in the 70s and 80s, terrorism was limited to the Baader-Meinhof Group, Italian Red Brigades, the Japanese Red Army, and the Palestine Liberation Organizations.
The trouble is our American cops seem to not pay attention to American right wing terrorists in this country until cops gets killed or wounded by them, then all of a sudden, they start playing attention. American cops seem to view civil rights organization, progressive, socialist movements, labor unions, striking labor workers, and individual Americans fighting for civil, political, economic, and social reforms as terrorists. Just recently, environmental groups are now labeled as terrorists.
Cops like Deke and Fox probably would not join a task force nowadays since they would realize how 9/11 and the laws that were approved after 9/11 have led to a loss of civil rights in this country and how anybody these days can be labeled as a terrorist when that person's only crime is exercising political, civil, and economic right to have a better life in this country and corporations and rich people don't want people to have those rights and use the police to crush them.
I do love how Deke spar with Hartmann about that he was a cop whose job was to protect lives and to bring the criminals to court and he was not going to be an murderer and then he walk out of the conference room.
Back in the 70s and 80s, terrorism was limited to the Baader-Meinhof Group, Italian Red Brigades, the Japanese Red Army, and the Palestine Liberation Organizations.
And the Irish Republican Army (and various spin-off groups such as the Irish National Liberation Army) - although many seventh-generation Irish Americans (who had never set foot in Northern Ireland and were very ignorant of the realities of the situation there) regarded them as heroes and gladly gave money to IRA fund-raisers for many years... until 9/11 happened and America suddenly realised what terrorism actually entailed. Funding from the USA promptly dried up, and after America's invasion of Iraq, so did the support the IRA had received from Libya (who publicly named & shamed, then disowned, all the terror groups they had previously funded, trained and supplied with arms). Despite being in charge of the majority of organised crime in Ireland (drug dealing, protection rackets, illegal sales of green diesel, etc) the IRA were left practically broke, and had no choice but to abandon their murder and bombing campaign.
The trouble is our American cops seem to not pay attention to American right wing terrorists in this country until cops gets killed or wounded by them.
You are a special kind of retard aren't you? Who killed David Dorn? It wasn't a right winger it was a ghetto piece of shit stealing TVs but keep living in your stupid fantasy world.
Holy snaps for real? That's absolutely perfect casting! And Stallone being involved really has piqued my interest.
I'm kind of afraid to look it up now because I'm afraid that there might be some shoehorned in woke element to diminish the quality of the production (sort of like what they did with Deputy on Fox).