MovieChat Forums > My Bloody Valentine (1981) Discussion > Awesome slasher...first time....

Awesome slasher...first time....

I have seen the remake a couple times and I enjoy it, but Ive never seen the original! So this year, since it has been all original horror for our October Movie Marathon, I made sure to include it! And man, what a great flick!

I was actually quite suprised by the ending, not knowing if Harry was indeed really alive or not, and I was impressed by the bloody good effects! I think the slasher himself, the miner, is so frigggin cool and scary! Can you imagine someone looking like that coming after you with a pick axe?

Loved the heart in the heart shaped box, loved the cast, they kept things interesting, and overall, i give it some huge props with a 9 out of 10!! Actually, I have to say its easily one of the best slashers out there! Anyone just see this recently for the first time? Also, I havent seen the extended cut because I tend to always wanna watch theatrical cuts first so are there some major differences? Is it worth a watch? Let a fellow horror fan know!

"You ONLY moved the headstones!! Why? WHY?!?"


I just recently seen it for the first time. Its one of my girlfriends favourite slasher movies, and i am an 80's horror fan, but i never seen it that particular one.
I immediatly loved this movie, the characters, and the kills. It had all the horror cliches, and was still very original at the same time. She owns the bluray that has the uncut edition, and the cut scenes are very gory, expecially Mabels death.
If you want those extra gory bits, i say its worth it, but i think the theatrical version is just fine. Definetly my favourite slasher movie now, exept for Terror Train.

"If i die, you die."
