Awesome slasher...first time....
I have seen the remake a couple times and I enjoy it, but Ive never seen the original! So this year, since it has been all original horror for our October Movie Marathon, I made sure to include it! And man, what a great flick!
I was actually quite suprised by the ending, not knowing if Harry was indeed really alive or not, and I was impressed by the bloody good effects! I think the slasher himself, the miner, is so frigggin cool and scary! Can you imagine someone looking like that coming after you with a pick axe?
Loved the heart in the heart shaped box, loved the cast, they kept things interesting, and overall, i give it some huge props with a 9 out of 10!! Actually, I have to say its easily one of the best slashers out there! Anyone just see this recently for the first time? Also, I havent seen the extended cut because I tend to always wanna watch theatrical cuts first so are there some major differences? Is it worth a watch? Let a fellow horror fan know!
"You ONLY moved the headstones!! Why? WHY?!?"