MovieChat Forums > Ms .45 (1981) Discussion > Similar movie question

Similar movie question

I need help finding the title of a movie from the 80's. I thought it was "Vengeance" but the movie I'm looking for isn't listed under that name. It's similar to Ms. 45 in that a woman is raped and goes out killing criminals but I'm fairly certain it's a different movie. All I remember about it that might help are the cover and a few scenes/lines. The cover had a woman in a dress on her knees pointing a gun at the camera. I know the woman at one point in the movie is going to shoot a guy she thinks is going to try and rape her and he tells her it was a misunderstanding and that he just got out of the army. There's another scene where she's running into a theatre to hide and the guy at the door says "ohh, sweet meat..." Now based on this wealth of information can anyone help?

