On DVD uncut!

France, Region 2, came out in March 2008 & I've just discovered this! Ordered. Version Intergale!!! Vive la France!


http://www.amazon.fr/Lange-vengeance-Albert-Sinkys/dp/B0012OSLJU/ref=s r_1_12?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1222452095&sr=1-12


yes it's good, but us English speakers must select "English audio with subtitles" (-either that or french audio-) and then very quickly turn subtitles off when the Warner logo appears. Plus the extras are in FRENCH only! Why? It's not a French film!



I think it is just the rape is cut a bit
its not very sick to be honest but go for uncut





Does anybody know if and when this new restored edition is set for an R1 release? I love this film and although the old Image DVD looks fantastic, it is heavily cut and incorrectly framed for the climax, as my old VHS tape confirms.


I wish I could find a decent bootleg version of this but none of the specialty sites I've gone to has one. Anybody know where to find one?
