MovieChat Forums > Ms .45 (1981) Discussion > In 1981 I Met Ms. 45 in person

In 1981 I Met Ms. 45 in person

I'll never forget. In 1981 they were premiering this film in Los Angeles at the New Beverly Cinema. The ad in the paper that day said "Ms. 45 In Person" so i went. The theatre was a smaller revival house and only held 300 at the most and what was so funny was it was full up with almost all men. Don't remember seeing a woman there until "she" arrived. At the close of the film while the credits were scrlling and the sax film score was blasting Ms. 45 walked down the aisle in the dark and boldly stood in front of the screen with the titles continuing to scroll down across her. She was all in dark colors and a sexy dress as if Ms. 45 came to life off the screen. The men could only gawk and were speechless. The credits ended and the lights came up and she smiled. She spent almost an hour answering questions and you'd never imagine what you later learned of her drug use which would lead to her untimely death. I was never a great fan of the film, but this moment was what sticks with me. Thank you, Zoe


Wow, what a great story. I love the image of her that you conjured up for us. Thanks for sharing!



That was such an awesome story.

I love hearing tales about the 1980-81 era. Ugh. I swear, I was born 20 years too late (born in 1981, never got to experience any of this).

I feel such an affinity with that era that I swear, in a past life, I lived through it.


Wow ! What an entrance ! Thats such a cool story, thanks for sharing :)


Very vivid story!

The New Bev is an awesome theatre. I go there whenever I visit Los Angeles. Tarantino is a silent partner there now.

They Live. We Sleep.


Not only was she stupid enough to use heroin, the dumb junkie was also an outspoken ADVOCATE of heroin use!!

I wonder how many people's lives were ruined/ended as a result of her "turning them on" to it!!!

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


How would you have reacted, if she had pulled out a 45 ?!

Done with fish.
