Disappointed (*contains spoilers*)
Someone recommended this movie to me (and wanted me to see it so badly she burned me a copy). Finally got around to watching it (even giving it a second chance) and I really came away disappointed.
Yeah, Zoe Lund was pretty and did a good job using facial expressions instead of dialogue. And that's about it. Oh, and the random methods of disposing of body parts was kind of entertaining.
The film had too many plot holes, so many that it lost my interest fairly early-on.
So this girl gets raped not once, but twice, and during both entire attacks, she doesn't make a sound, not a scream, not a whimper, not a peep, she doesn't even cry. And we're supposed to believe that this is because she is INcapable of making a sound. Didn't stop her from making noise when she vomited. Didn't prevent her from screaming when she gets stabbed and whispers "sister". Once it's established that she IS, in fact, capable of speech and audible noise, her REFUSAL to do so makes the entire storyline a joke. And, presumably, the character has never spoken in her life. The fact that she doesn't ever attempt to communicate by sign-language (whether or not anyone can understand her, it would've been a habit) seems implausible, too. The fact that she makes a living working with her hands only makes it seem more fitting that she would use them to communicate.
The impossible number of shots during her attacks (and seemingly endless supply of ammo), as mentioned by someone else here, really annoyed me, too. Would it have been so difficult to add a quick scene of her buying some ammo just to make the film a tad more credible? And she never misses! How 'bout having a scene of her practicing at a shooting range or SOMETHING to make her perfect aim more believable? And the randomness of her attacks eventually made me lose all empathy for her. The second attacker, the guys circling her in the park, the sleazeball photographer, hey, even the pimp beating the hooker seemed justified. But when she started GETTING INTO CARS with strangers, just to kill them, and apparently looking for ANY male to kill, it just became ridiculous. And what was with the dog? Really, Phil was the only likable character in the whole movie and there was no point of her taking him out, leading us to believe that she killed him (for no reason) but then he shows up unharmed on his own doorstep at the end. WTF?