Rose Garden Scene

Was there a specific reason she trashed the rose garden after being dropped from MGM? I thought I remembered a scene earlier where she says she planted it & the tree when she first got her contract, hence why she chops it down, but I don't know if I'm imagining it or not.

Also I don't care how campy it is, I love this film.


Same reason people smash things when they get really angry. To let off steam. Sometimes producers of pictures get really angry with rose garden scenes and they end up trashing the underscore that originally accompanied them.

Joan's delusional friends and fans who tried to discredit the book have tried to claim that she simply chopped it down to plant a victory garden in its place. And if you believe that, you'll probably believe that Christina and Christopher were liars and Joan was June Cleaver.


I got that part, that was obvious, I was just wondering if it had any additional significance. I also wanted to know if that scene existed. What you're talking about is not what I asked.

So if anyone could let me know, the answer would either be "No, and that scene does not exist" or "Yes, and the scene does exist."


"Was there a specific reason she trashed the rose garden after being dropped from MGM?"

That's not what you asked? Did someone else put those words into your post by mistake? Because that's the question I answered.

To answer your other question, no, the scene you made up in your head does not exist. You presumably could have figured this out on your own had you made a half-hearted attempt to watch the film again, but clearly that would be too much trouble. There, now I've answered both your questions, even though, rest assured, I could have been doing something, anything, else with my time.


lol easy tiger, its answering two questions on IMDB.


I believe those flowers were at the studio-owned bungalow so she saw it as some kind of revenge on Mayer.
