MovieChat Forums > Mil gritos tiene la noche (1983) Discussion > Two bodies in the wall at the end?

Two bodies in the wall at the end?

When the wall gets turned around at the end of the movie, there is a girl with short dark brown hair hanging . When they show the body fall down on top of the guy it is a different looking girl with blond hair who is decomposed looking. Did anybody else see this or is it old news? I noticed it if you play the scene in slow motion.


I noticed this too. So much for continuity!

Another thing didnt make sense: In the begining we see a lady skating into a window two men are carrting. What the hell was the whole point of that scene? I mean, it wasnt done by the killer and we dont see her body parts stitched up to the sewn up cadaver at the end. It couldve been happening in the killers head or something, but its never indicated.

Another goof, perhaps?


the skateboard scene is one of the parts of the movie that makes it so much fun to watch...for me anyhow. the sheer ridiculousness of it is entertaining. it has no relevance to plot as far as i can tell, just a insert to extend the movie's length.. it reminds me of writing papers back in hand it in, get it back graded and think to yourself...did i really write did that part get in there? i wonder if that is what happend to Simon when he directed it?

that is an interesting thought that it's in the killer's head...because they jump to that scene while the killer is looking at the photo of his mother with the big red 'X' over her face. anyhow, the music that accompanies the skateboard scene is really cool.

as for the second corpse in the closet, I don't remember seeing that...i'll have to watch again.


I THINK (I'm not sure) that the incident with the skating girl crashing into the mirror (what happened to her we don't know--if it's even relevant) was supposedly witnessed by the killer.

Apparently, it reminded him of when his mother smashed the mirror with his father's picture (which we are shown again--the killer's own flashback it would seem). I believe that all this is meant to suggest that this somehow triggered the killer's homicidal impulses (which seemingly had been dormant for the previous 40 years, since he was a little boy).

That's what I got out of it anyway. Still, if this WAS what the filmmaker had in mind, it was expressed very poorly.

Thanks, and have a great day.



wow, good theory. you're probably right!


I never made the connection either about the killer seeing the student crash through the mirror. However, it makes sense although it this was the case they should have at least shown the killer's shadow or something to get the point across. I've watched this several times and never made that connection and in fact often wondered why it was done.


I always figured it was one of two things:

1) A "clever" sight gag in relation to the title (she smashed it--TO PIECES! HAHA! Get it?!)

2) The "corpse" at the end is actually an amalgamation of the girl at the beginning's still living body and corpse parts. The killer has been performing his own primitive reconstructive surgery on her by replacing her damaged body parts piece-by-piece with those of other people.


I agree, that was my impression too, the way they edited the two scenes of the girl running into the mirror cut directly into the scene of the mother smashing the mirror, looked like it triggered a flashback memory from the killer's point of view.

It also explains why the killer would wait until 40 years later to begin killing again.

I also noticed there were two different bodies used in the final scene. The one that falls on Kendall is definitely more decomposed looking.

Both of these scenes (the skateboarding scene and the body falling on Kendall) are so hilarious!! Especially how they're both so unexpected. Definitely two of my MANY favorite scenes in this classic film.


The girl who starred as the skateboard girl posted on this board somewhere, that they wanted some extra footage and she wasn't available, so they used another actress for the last scene. She mentioned she was in the scene where the bookcase spins, and that was it for her part.
So, it's obvious that the ridiculous ending was pinned on for some phony scare shocker thing, that clearly was stupid.


Not that the original posters are going to be checking in on this 3 years later, but what she actually said, nama, was that they wanted more SKIN for the shot, so they used an additional girl. I guess jodancer didn't do nude scenes.
She also cleared up that the skateboard girl had a little extra bit after smashing through the mirror, where we see she's okay...only to be decapitated in the first chainsaw killing! But, yeah, that incident was meant to have triggered the killer to start up again, as he sees her reflected in the broken pieces of the mirror apologising for the crash. So sez jodancer, anyway.

'Destiny is a fickle bitch.'
-Benjamin Linus
