favorite character?

My favorite character in PIECES is "Goggles" the best friend of campus stud "Kendall". I love the heavy metal studs on the back of his denim jacket (watch as he leaves after scaring Kendall with a monster mask!) & his line "I'm slain with a withering look-who gives a s**t?" is priceless...also worthy of mention is THE KUNG FU PROFESSOR! He out jogging and next thing he know he on ground, something he ate, bad chop suey maybe...finally I'd like to nominate the chick who "puts on such a big production" while having sex with Kendall, her line "what if you gagged me, I couldnt make any noise then" always gives me a big boner! Any thoughts?


The Kung Fu Professor was the s**t. At first I was like WTF? Than when He got up I laughed my ass off.


I love that scene! It was so stupid, ..."oh, bad chop suey..." is one of the greatest lines in film history.
Who was that guy anyways? Did he ever make anything else?



Paul Smith rocks, he even made a good bad guy in "Crimewave" too.


My favorite character is the mom. She seems to have a very low threshhold for stress. I like how her immediate reaction to seeing her kid putting a nudie puzzle together is to start smashing up his room and shrieking. Her line: "Dont' just STAND there! Go get a BAG!!!" always makes me snicker.


My favorite is definitely Willard (Pronounced Will-LARD) because of his randomness and all out strangeness


Word to your Sis Liberachi


The Kung Fu Professor without a doubt, man. I mean even after he found out it was just a woman he continued throwing kicks at her, and just dropped to the floor for no reason. That's hardcore.




Looks like Bruce Le. He was making another movie with Dick Randall at the same time.


I vote for Kendall James, played by Ian Sere - an amusing character and well acted.


Definitely Will-Ard. Paul Smith's hammy performance is a riot.

What do you think this is, a signature? It's a way of life!
