Verbinski and Bruckheimer are commencing with an update
The word is that Gore Verbinski and Jerry Bruckheimer are commencing Ranger as their next project. This should be interesting and hopefully a little better then Pirates. That series has had its day I'm affraid. I dont know much about the Lone Ranger although I have had some interest after seeing the Mike Jr. character in Road to Perdition reading a book with the character back when it was big in the late 30's in which Road is also taking place. A great flick by the way. A truely underrated film that should get more praise then what its been getting over the years. A Tom Hanks classic and the books by Max Collins are great to boot too. The graphic novel is the best. The second I havent finished although Im might try to finish it sometime. The third I dont even know why I wasted my money on it. I heard it was horrible which doesnt surprise me. It really is hard to keep a story as good as Road fresh over the years with Mike Jr. taking over his Dad's killing ways.