My funny LotLR story. SPOILERS
This takes place a couple years ago...
Over at my then current girlfriend's place and we were going to rent a video for the night. Not having seen this film in about 20 years, I saw it was to be on a decided we could watch it instead. She was from Honduras and had never seen the movie, or heard of the Lone Ranger, so I thought it would be a nice treat for both of us.
So, we are both watching and really getting into the story. I had forgotten how good the setup for the film was and she was really digging the potential love relationship, as well as the story of John Reid. She got an added kick out of the fact that the hero and I share the same name.
She was heartbroken during the ambush scene, on the verge of crying, and stayed misty through John's recovery and rekindled friendship with Tonto. I enjoyed watching her reactions almost as much as the movie. She was almost shuddering when John was standing over the gravesite...
Then, the trumpets start blaring the overture out of nowhere and John pokes his head up with the mask on and I thought "Oh, this isn't going to go over well." I turn and look to her, and she's frozen with her mouth open. A rush of emotions, all negative, are surging in her eyes. Confusion, disgust, denial and finally rage, not just anger, but full on rage. As if someone was raping her cat in front of her. Her mouth still agape and eyes still fixated on the screen, I did what any good boyfriend would do, I started laughing, which did nothing to sooth her fury. She said one or two words, and I just lost it. She was mad at the world - including me - as if I had played a cruel joke on her. She blew her top and went off on the movie. I half expected her to start ranting in spanish (which I had only seen once before). I tried to calm her down to watch the rest of it, but she started bitching for the next few minutes until she finally started laughing with me. She refused to watch the rest of the movie and walked out of the room.
I'm pretty sure she called one of her friends and told them what happened. She'd walk by the room every once in a while and I'd try to coax her into finishing the movie with me, but she'd just start bitching again until we'd start laughing, then leave again.
For the remainder of our time together, if I'd mention the Lone Ranger in front of her it was like hitting a button. First, she would throw a fit about the movie, then, we'd laugh ourselves silly.