
This may sound stupid, but bear in mind I watched this film for the first time the other day, in work, with the sun blazing onto the screen. In other words, I may have missed something.

I couldn't understand why Marti and Jeff go looking for Denise once Seth leaves, as surely they had just seen her severed head sitting in Jeff's bed. I'm obviously missing something, as such an inconsistency would be ridiculous, even for an '80s slasher movie,

Can anyone clear this up?


That wasn't Denise - that was the head of the girl that you saw get decapitated, earlier. The one that was walking, then got pulled underground.


Ah yes of course, how could I forget?! I'll have to watch it again properly, as I couldn't really follow it very well. Suppose that'll teach me to watch horror movies in work!


Haha yeah, I thought the exact same thing when I first watched the movie, several years ago!


While we're on the topic - is the ghost that Linda Blair's character sees an actual ghost, or simply a hologram as part of the fraternity prank?

This one seems to be hotly debated, as it's never actually revealed...


Pretty sure it's a hologram - but I don't think there's an official consensus on it.

One thing I've always wondered, is about the two killers. I know the one that gets impaled on the gate is supposed to be Andrew Garth, but who is the other killer? Was that supposed to be his dad?


Yeah I completely agree. The police report says only one body was missing, and yet there are two killers. I wonder did the filmmakers do that on purpose, or is it just one of those slashers where certain things don't make sense, and we're expected to either not notice or not care.

Also, the bit when Seth tries to tell the cops about the killer and the mansion etc. - even IF a policeman would be so stupid as to ignore a report of a group people being murdered, protocol says cops have to check out reports, regardless of whether or not it's likely to be a false alarm.

Can you imagine the ensuing court case after the movie is over? That cop would certainly lose his job, be banned from ever joining the police force again and possibly even jailed!


Hah, yeah, that's for sure!


Actually the legend Peter tells says they only found 3 bodies, but there should have been five (the three children and the wife that the father murdered and the father himself). So that leaves Andrew and two bodies unaccounted for.

We do see some bodies in the tunnels with Denise so one of those could account for the one other body (the rest must have been other hapless souls that happened by the mansion over the years). My best guess is that the other killer was the older brother. I was actually expecting another family member (the other unaccounted body) to pop up at the very end of the film but it never happened.

Of course, as a legend it's entirely possible that the real facts don't match that well with what actually happened so that could explain the discrepancies.


Don't worry...even if you were paying FULL attention, that was an easy mistake to make. I can't believe such a poor way to direct a scene was greenlit by the producers.


Hehe yeah,

Guy is in bed with blonde lady, leaves, comes back and finds blonde lady's head in the same bed.

I don't feel as stupid now!


One of my favourite 80's slasher movies and one I've watched countless times.

The severed head in the bed belongs to May. When Jeff holds Marti and she turns away you can hear her say "Oh my God, it's May"

Not seen this in years but suddenly feel it's long overdue


I thought that was Denise's head as well and thought that was some weak writing to send them back in the house looking for their decapitated friend. Still that was very weird to put the head of their other friend in the bed, what was going through that killer's mind thinking to do that?



That wasnt Denise it was the female character that was playing the prank along with the other two guys...but alot of people thought that was Denise when this movie first came out lol but we finally see the dead body of Denise towards the end inside the dungeon sitting at the table.


I thought it was Denise at first too, but then they shout "May, May" and I realized it was the other girl.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried
