MovieChat Forums > Heavy Metal (1981) Discussion > Why do people dislike the "So Beautiful,...

Why do people dislike the "So Beautiful, So Dangerous" segment?

I thought that was the best segment of the film, I especially loved the scenes with the spaceship hovering over the building and the aliens getting stoned.


I love that scene. I wanted to be in that space ship with them. I think the only story that I never cared for was the last one (the really long one with the big duck...)


The final segment with the big duck was "Taarna" and it was a hit and miss segment for me, I thought the aliens were funny and likable, plus most of my favorite songs were in that segment.


That's cool. I liked some of the dark visuals, particularly the landscapes. Just thought it was long and depressing. Seems like all the others (except the short B-17 segment) where at least humorous to an extent.


I thought "Taarna" was the darkest segment among the bunch along with "B-17", I wasn't really big on the "Captain Sternn" segment either despite it being one of the more humorous ones of the bunch.


I don't know, it's a less serious story and basically fan service with some titays and robot cheating sex on an alien space ship so what is not to enjoy?
