MovieChat Forums > Happy Birthday to Me (1981) Discussion > Maybe I'm in the minority, but I like th...

Maybe I'm in the minority, but I like the ending (spoilers)

Seriously. It's totally absurd but at least it's creative. It was a nice spin, especially since we're led to believe Ginny is the killer very early on. Had they not changed it, there really would be no surprises whatsoever with this film, so I can handle the wackiness of the finale.


No, it's a stupid "twist for twist's sake" ending.


Maybe, but the script was pretty straightforward without that last jab at the end. Everything is laid out for us from the beginning basically— we know Ginny is blacking out, we know she suffered an accident, and we know that she's killing people in these blackouts. There's really no mystery whatsoever.


i just got one watching it and i loved it. was one of the best horror movies i've seen in a long long long time. man i wish they still made them this good.

as for the mask, i have no idea, but if she's knocking her out it is possible she used some of alfred's stuff to use it on her when she's knocked on. and as for the voice, that's been done in other movies as well.

so it's not that much of a stretch


No, it's called a slow burm. It was great. The story is pretty much spoon fed to the viewer up until the finale which is deservedky bizarre. It could have two times before it did but it just kept going. I appreciated the creativity.

"Oh... I'm not afraid."
-Pamela Voorhees


The ending is the best part of the movie.


It is one you certainly can't see coming. I think that no matter how many horror movies you seen you'll be shocked.


In my opinion, if they really wanted to have a major twist like that... An "evil twin" would have made a lot more sense. Don't you think?


I love the twist.
