Kermit: Quiet! [all fall silent except Janice] Janice: "Look, Mother. It's my life. Okaay? So if I want to live on a beach and walk around naked..." Oh.
OMG I think I almost died laughing.
...and in conclusion, I would like to say that James Dean and Leo Gorcey are very hot.
actually, there's some odd alternate version of that scene, where janice says something like, "...look, i don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it IS artistic..."
seriously, i have two copies of the movie. one is old and on tape, the other is on DVD. the lines are different. i like the beach version better.
Ohhhh, that's so weird! I've heard my friends quoting the artistic one, and I was like, "No, that's WRONG!" But I see now where they got it. I agree, the beach one is better.
"Just close your eyes...but keep your mind wide open."