Neville + Dorcas

Brilliantly played by John Cleese and Joan Sanderson (who had appeared on Fawlty Towers as an elderly woman who was hard of hearing), the dead, dry conversation of Neville & Dorcas is hilarious to listen to.

I've always remembered the ending after Kermit and Miss Piggy have left.

"Neville, what on earth are you looking at?"

"Remember that pig I told you about? -- That's the chap, that's the chap. He was in the closet, . . . with a lizard."

"What on Earth did he want?"

"Name of a good restaurant."

"What did you tell them?"

"I told them the such-n-such."

"That's more of a supper club."

"I tried telling them that."

"Mustn't blame yourself dear."

Absolutely maddening.

And how about that whole intro. Are the servants dead or are the pets dead?


For the last time, dear: the pets are dead, the butler's been discharged! :)


"Oh no, dear. No need for you to leave the house."

"You taste like a burger. I don't like you anymore." -- Andy, Wet Hot American Summer


"haven't been outside in twelve years"
"well, the weather's been most disappointing"
