Why is Fozzie so hurt?

This may be a silly question, but I've never understood why Fozzie is so hurt when Kermit says that it's his date with Lady Holliday (Miss Piggy), and not a group date. Fozzie acts like he's lost his best friend at the news, when it should have been obvious that it was a date between only Kermit and Piggy.


It's because Fozzie has been there the whole time and he just thought that he was going to get to go on the date. I don't think it was about losing his best friend as much as about not getting to go out and have a good time with Kermit and Piggy.


It's because he and Kermit usually do everything together.

"Sleep is for sissies."


It's part of the identical twin shtick. It's implied that they've always done everything together.



Well, Fozzie isn't exactly a rocket scientist. He also figured that he'd get a chance to meet a famous celebrity.
