Hot Charles Grodin

Am I crazy, or is Charles Grodin handsome in this movie? He always has a gruff way about him, but to me there's something sexy about his growly ways. Ahh, CG. Too bad he's aged so much and I'm too young for him. *sigh*


i am sooo with you on this one. he was definitely a looker, unfortunately he's not so much anymore.


I thought so as well! I only knew him as the freaked-out dad in Beethoven, but this REALLY was a pleasant surprise. Now I can't watch the movie without skipping through it to all the scenes he's in, and that makes it all the more enjoyable.

"I say, what a wonderful butler, he's so violent!"


Me too. I only knew him from the Beethoven movies but he was certainly SEXY in this movie.


I'm glad to know I'm not alone in this. And tairy green, he really hasn't aged very well. Kind of surprising since he was old enough to be a grandpa when he starred in Beethoven, and yet he didn't look older than his 40's.

"Sleep is for sissies."


If you liked him in this watch MIDNIGHT RUN i'mm pretty sure that's what it's called. it's old and also had Robert De Niro and they're both fantastic. but yes I think he's sexy in this. I'm watching it now. Even still I'm embarrassed by his love for Miss Piggy :p

"Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue."


I don't know about sexy, but he is definetly the funniest human in the whole movie.

"We could have had something together, Miss Piggy..."


AH Charles Grodin! He is so sexy funny. I enjoy him in movies especially the good old days like with Goldie Hawn in "Seems Like Old Times"


Yes he is not only a sexy beast in this movie, but so freaking funny. I swear every scene he was in was perfect.

I still can't believe he was born in 1935- he's always looked so young. Even now he has just started to look his age, which is 76, and looks like a very handsome older man.

And I'm thankful that I am not the only young woman (21) to find him sexy.
There’s no one on IMDB I care enough for to use spell check- suck it grammar Nazis


You are not crazy. I don't think he's good looking in real life but in Great Muppet Caper the fact of him being the "bad guy" and Kermit's competition made him sexy...Miss Piggy thought so too. ;)

"There is no half-singing in the shower, you're either a rock star or an opera diva." -Josh Groban
