the site is pretty crappy and just takes pictures from other sites...
i find this remark intrigueing.
lets begin... the grace zabriskie autographs are completely unique to the site. i know this, because the actress herself told me. i would have thought galaxy of terror fans would have considered them priceless, as behind the scenes on-set photos are so rare. didnt realise they were 'pretty crappy'. what other site have you seen them posted on?
the sid haig autograph , and its authenticating picture, are possibly unique. he himself told me hes not thought of the galaxy of terror movie for years. again, which other site did you see this on ?
the handful of behind the scenes photos ARE taken from another site, the yahoo user group. of course, they only have a very limited audience there, only available to those yahoo user in the know. they are posted on the new website with the groups blessing, so the internet world at large may enjoy them. is that 'pretty crappy' in your view ?
of course, promotional material, posters and lobby cards etc , have doubtless been featured on other websites. that is their function : to promote. they were mass produced. i have quite a nice collection of posters, cards etc, that has taken me years to track down, and cost a small fortune. obviously webmasters of the different fansites share a common interest, and accidental duplication doubtless happens. i know for example that the forbidden world promotional cards have been featured on other sites, as a coincidence. im sure that the posters and lobby cards for the other films, inseminoid, creature etc, have all graced countless other fan websites too. pretty crappy, i know.
would magazine scans of any galaxy of terror articles merit inclusion on the site do you think ? or would this be deemed as 'pretty crappy taking' too ? let me know, you could save me a fortune tracking those back issues down.
were the screen captures taken from other sites too ? could you please let me have their url's , i'll investigate these and where possible make amendments. the only screen caps i ve seen are murky dark video grabs. i thought the photoshop enhanced images on this site were rather impressive. also, i thought the sound files quite cool, and exclusive to the site. where have you heard these before please ?
do you yourself have a website i could check out? one thats cost time, effort and money, for the benefit of others to enjoy ? i d love to see it. so few people remember or appreciate these great movies..its always cool to meet another fan :)
Hell has just been relocated...the IMDB message board !
I will concede that the Grace Zabriski autograph is unique to that site. Other then that I have seen or heard everything else that was on that site. There is no real synopsis of the movie or even a personal review. Personally, if you are going to list the worm as one of the stars, show why. And if you are going to focus on R or NC-17 rated movies and from his own blurb on the mainpage, the exploitative elements, why make it for the 17- age group? It makes no sense. Yes magazine scans are nice, if you can read them. I couldn't. The idea is good, it just needs fleshed out more.
No, I do not have my own website nor would I want to. I have loved this movie since I first saw it in the early 80's and have owned a copy since. I do appreciate the time and effort people put into their sites. But when they ask for critiques as Golobthehumanoid did, I'm not going to sugarcoat it if I feel the site can improve.
"Actually, this site is pretty crappy..." .. that is your idea of a critique ??? had that been the basis for a discussion in a private email, i could have understood. your posting it on an open message board for the world at large to see amounts to nothing more than a thoughtless slur on a lot of hard work. hopefully people will discount your remark, look at the site and make their minds up for themselves.
OF COURSE the site can improve...its been online little more than a week, and is brand new. there IS a synopsis introducing the movie, which i put online this morning. full time employment and social life gets in the way of web design sadly, and these things take time.
the basis of your rubbishing the website seems to be that theres not enough x-rated material. there are a number of reasons for this. firstly, im relatively new to website development and am unsure of what actually is/isnt allowed. some nudity is included in the lifeforce, forbidden world and humanoid sections of the website. however, what i will not do is pander to the crude, tasteless and vulgar requests i ve had from a number of people re the taaffe/worm scene. if people want to get their kicks from that, fine..the sequence is a mere two minutes out of a whole movie, is very dimly lit, and the creature itself is rather amteurish at best. im personally fond of the movie for the genius (uniqueness?) of its storyline, its atmosphere, the cheesey effects that are so evocative of its time, and for the wonderful performances. that goes for the other movies i ve chosen to cover, regardless of whether or not they have adult content. i find it quite dubious that a number of people have written to me asking for 'rape' pictures, and surely you can see why id want to distance myself from that ?
besides... the ONLY way i could graphically illustrate the worm sequence would be with the use of screen captures. you yourself have recommended the fansite to others.. by asking me for these pictures, surely i would be just copying that site. wasnt your original arguement that the pictures i've used were merely rip offs from other sites ???
cannot compute. is long-established, and i believe more than caters for anyone looking for this kind of market. i wouldnt want to infringe on any of their material. that would be pretty crappy indeed.
i thank you for your concession to the uniqueness of the trantor page ( and surely the sid haig picture too? ). obviously i cant please EVERYONE, and shall focus on the many many satisfied correspondents who DO like site. i trust you wont be visiting it again, a pity as clearly you have much detailed information about the making of the movie. sad, that your introductory remark was so derogratory.
maybe you could do the 'gentlemanly' thing , and retract your 'pretty crappy' verdict, so other like-minded fans could make up their own mind ?
Where in the Cosmos did that space jockey get his license?!
You are toting your website on this board, so you opened it for comments on this board, good or bad.
1)Synopsis: I read the synopsis before I posted my second comment. By your own admittance you took it from the back of the video box. Very original work on your part. :-(
2)Adult Material: You state that several tasteless requests for the rape scene of two minutes have been asked and that you want to distance yourself from it and that the scene was poorly done. Yet, in the same paragraph you state one of the reasons you love this movie is the cheesy effects. Plus, on your site, by the time the second page is opened( Mainpage and Main GoT page), you have referenced that scene directly or indirectly 3 times. Not a very good distance. I do agree that people can go elsewere if they want to see screencaps of the whole thing, but if you are going to reference it as much as you have, show some of it or stop making reference to it. You can't have it both ways or complain when people expect to see something that you appear to be offering but aren't and request it or ask about it. Plus there is the fact that you announced first on an adult yahoo site that focuses primarily on the rape scene of the movie, there again not distancing yourself from but drawing that focus towards your site.
3)Magazine scans: A good idea, if you utilize it better. Show the whole article or at least blow the pictures up enough that you can read the captions. Of the three pictures with captions only one is legible.
Blessing from the Yahoo group: Lets face facts. You got the blessing from the original poster of the behind the scenes pictures after the fact. The least you could do, as a gentleman, would be to give credit on your site where credit is due. Enough said.
5)Soundbites:Why not video clips? It's a movie.
6)Review:An in-depth personal review of the movie would be a major plus, IMO.
7)Screencaps: A few random, touched-up pictures from the movie. No commentary or captions. ???
8)Autograph area: This is the one area where I do think your site shines and is truly yours.
In summary, I feel alot of work did go into this site, but from what I have seen overall, if I didn't know anything about this movie going in, I still wouldn't have a good idea of what it's about coming out. Saying it is crappy may have been harsh, but the site could use some more work and thought before it is announced everywhere.
the galaxy of terror portion of the website is merely that. a portion. a sub-domain of the site. i NEVER intended it to be an in-depth comprehensive guide. if you look at the main domain of the site, you will see six months labour, something that had become , to be honest, an obsession. you will also find what i proudly consider to be one of the best fansites on the internet. i have spent months collecting information. and a considerable amount of money buying items, promotional material, even the comissioning of original artwork. the site features an original song by a published american band, used with their permission. it features contributions from 2 of the cast members, both of whom have since become correspondents. it features exclusive material donated from crew members which has NEVER been published ANYWHERE. it features the ONLY autographs from the humanoid movie that the star has EVER signed. and to my great pleasure, what started out as a small image gallery has now become a fully featured site with over 10 000 hits. pretty cool, for such a little-known film.
but of course, the matter at hand is galaxy of terror...
i started the galaxy of terror (and other movies) section of the site for 2 reasons.. one, to simply share the few pictures, autographs etc i had, with other fans. 2, because website design had become , as i stated, an obsession. LOVE it. i had , however, no intention whatsoever to go as in depth with these other movies as i had with the humanoid. you state that visiting the site would still give you no idea what the movie is about ?? then look, explore, research. its not intentioned to be a GOT encyclopaedia, but a nice starting point. a number of correspondents have said its a great introduction, and has really whetted their appetitite to see this and other movies.
of course, given my own obsessive nature, i probably WOULD have got round to greatly expanding the site, i like the movies so much. hence the 'pages under construction' message on the menu page.
lets take your points one by one : 1 - my choice of a synopsis. what better material to use than the official line?
2 - yes i love the cheesey effects. the movies full of them. have u seen it, or just the minute long maggot scene? im quite fond of 80s starship effects, and the quest is very well done. the laser fx are nice. the miniature and stop motion work is particularly good, as is the worms transformation from maggot to monster. the taaffe o connell scene tho is from my own perspective quite poor. lighting renders it ineffective and the rubber suit monster is laughable.
i first saw the movie on uk sci fi tv. thats when my fandom for this great film started. the worm scene was completely cut. i then tracked down the uk pre cert video. again, completely cut.
i later got the uncut dvd when it was eventually released, and found the much hyped worm scene. laughed my head off. and cant believe its attracted such an unhealthy sub-culture amongst female hating deviants. rape is WRONG. the glorification and celebration of it is WRONG.
i reference the worm on the page because i find it cheesily laughable. i had no idea people would latch on to it. some of the letters i ve had really are quite unhealthy. it wasnt until i saw galaxy of that i realised the cult this sequence attracts.
incidentally, that is a well-made site, and the webmaster has clearly cornered the market. im not bad mouthing his efforts in any way, its just a route i dont wanna take, which is my choice.
as for the adult user group, i found it by chance and made my first posting in there. i ve promptly left, after realising the nasty content. its poorly moderated, full of spam, and while i ve met some great people there, i question the mind-set and the morality of others. i like THE MOVIE. the whole production. i ve not luridly focussed on that one scene. these people who ve mailed me have gone beyond GOT and asked for quite obscene nasty material. me, im a simple B movie lover with a nice little website. again , you can understand why i distance myself from this. right ?
that covers my using the behind the scenes pictures from the group, too. i ve no wish to promote the group on my site. the contents not something that most of my correspondents would wish. if the group were better moderated, with spam removed and some of the worse obscenities filtered, i d happily promote it. as it stands, im amazed yahoo allows the group to stay open, and its a shame no ones taken charge of ownership. had i known who posted the pictures there, id have credited them by name. like i stated earlier , i ve met good people there and hope our friendship and correspondence continues.
magazine scans. the ones i ve thus far posted werent mine, they were contributed to the site by a friend. i agree, the qualities not great , but i consider any rare GOT material better than none at all. try squinting ?
5 why not video clips ? possibly coming soon. main reason is bandwidth. as you say, you ve no website of your own and i guess dont know about hosting a site. i'll not go into the technicalities then. i MAY work on these in future tho.
6 personal review. im undecided. as i said earlier, page is under construction and i MAY post one of my own. however, the humanoid review on my site i ve seen duplicated on three other websites, as well as in the imdb message board. twice , the review was credited to someone else. the third time, it was credited 'anonymous' . you can imagine how pleased i was with that ?? of course, people take pictures from site to site, thats inevitable. but a review is different. takes time and consideration to write. i thought it 'pretty crappy' when my own was stolen. still, GOT maybe does merit one...
7. random touched up ? best GOT pictures on the net, i d say. captions ? page under construction...
8. thank you. im proud of them. robert englund hopefully to follow. both stars i ve met thus far were absolute delights.
thank you for your 'in summary' comments. i wish you d posted this prior to your original statement. constructive criticism is of course always appreciated. hopefully now we ll maintain correspondence and , maybe , you have some contributions of your own for the site ? would LOVE to see any and all material you or anyone else may have, in the hope that the site can grow and do such a great movie justice.
Where in the Cosmos did that space jockey get his license?!
First off, please note that I deleted my rude first post and once again say sorry for it.
The best things about B-movies are the cheesy effects, often silly or no plots bad acting. in many, I laugh harder than alot of A grade comedies. I've bashed this movie on the site for some of its many errors. And when I watched the English import DVD with its brightened picture saw many more errors. I have seen this movie more times than I care to count. After I first saw it in 1984, I watched it 19 times in 1 month when my roommate was writing a paper on it for one of his film classes. So I've seen it from a regular perspective and a production perspective. This is one of the reasons I know so much about it. After listening to a running commentary for a week straight, something will have to sink in.:)
As for the yahoo group, if you think it was bad there, your lucky you didn't see the reviews for this movie on the Yahoo movie database before they cleaned it up. All the old reviews had to be deleted,they were so offensive; with one charming fellow, even his screen name was offensive. I left the group for a year because the only activity on it was spammers. TMac had pretty much abandoned it about a year or 2 ago. When legit members started posting again, I joined back up. IMO its still the best site to find out official info about Got as far as possible release dates(or not as that 2005 release of the 4 movie set proved)The member who posted the vulgar question to you on the message board there has been addressed by a couple of the memebers. Some of the more active members are trying to get moderator control of it to help clean it up, but no luck yet.
I do know about bandwidth, just wasn't thinking about it. One of the reasons I don't want a site of my own. Others being lack of time, materials and too many other interests to just focus on one. Plagarism seems to be the rule on the Net quite often. One site I'm a member of, if you are caught posting work that is not originally yours they first warn you than permanently ban you by IP address if the violations continue. Same goes for excessively rude or vulgar forum posters.
As far as the worm scene goes I enjoy it more for the sheer outrageousness and the concepts behind it as to why rather then "Yes!! a womans getting raped". And you have to admit its an original way to be killed by the fears and anxieties within your own psyche. Within the context of the movie, it makes sense; subconciously this would be the worst thing Dameia could face from her combo of fears and axieties. Do I think its a turn-on or erotic, no. It's just part of the genre and to be taken with an open mind and a grain of salt. I'm more worried about the mindset of individuals that get off on the ending of Looking for Mr Goodbar or most of I Spit on your Grave than anything on These people have SERIOUS issues.
The films basic storyline I've used in several roleplaying games, both sci-fi & fantasy for an adventure scenario. Its great when you have a group of players who have never seen the movie trying to figure out what the hell is going on, just like the crew of the Quest. I have seen so called A movies use the same storyline that weren't as enjoyable to watch as GoT, Event Horizon coming to mind first and foremost. So I have to agree with you on the films "genius" as you put it.
Do you have anything from the Fantastic Films #27 issue about this movie? Right now other then offering to write an indepth(clean) review, that's about all I could contribute to your site, as you so graciously offered, for the moment. The article is an interview with the effects crew on how they did various stuff in the movie with a few BW pictures.
I wish to officially apologize for calling your site pretty crappy and have deleted the post. Anyone who read that post should ignore and check out the site. I'm not a bad dude, just an a-hole sometimes.:)
not an a-hole at all, sir. everyones entitled to an opinion. it would have been better if you'd have given me your comments personally, before posting them on a forum, but everyones rash sometimes, especially about something they care about. you obviously love the movie , and are entitled to your opinion. i must admit, i loved the debate...its rare that i meet people with a like-minded interest in film !
i think my biggest mistake regarding the site was advertising it before it was completed.. guess my enthusiasm got the better of me. now you've given me your suggestions, it has inspired me to try and better it.
and, GREAT news.... i ve tracked down one of the crew members today, whos got a set of his own personal photos from the film. all being well, he'll scan them in over the weekend, for inclusion on the website !! he also says the movie was one hell of a shoot , and he'll try to remember any stories. can't wait. i ll announce any updates here as and when i get them.
another nice bonus for the day...i managed to contact one of the actresses from horror planet , ie inseminoid. shes agreed to a small interview for the website, depending on her work schedule. should be cool !
again , i thank you for your suggestions. hopefully i'll be able to come up with enough stuff for a really good webpage, one that does the movie justice.
Where in the Cosmos did that space jockey get his license?!
Nice site, brought back memories :) Saw that film decades ago on cable and was traumatized by Erin Moran's exploding head. Can't wait to watch it again, naturally!
I can say no bad things about It's a great reference site for late 70s and early 80s sci-fi movies I would have otherwise completely missed. A great reference to find new(to me) movies to watch.