Worst Movie Ever
But I couldn't shut it off
shareI saw this back in 1981 in the theater (95 cents!) with my two brothers and was scared out of my mind! Now I saw it again on ONDemand and couldn't believe how bad it was! Yet, I kept on watching it, in fact, twice!! The director was only 23yrs old when he made this!
shareWell, at least it's free on demand, can't complain.
Only 1 female nudity, how disappointing.
Holy cow... Biscuit Power and I actually agree on something?? This movie was a piece of crapola!!
Your Favorite Band Sucks.
It really was a horrible movie. I watched in On Demand (free) it made no sense and the acting was terrible! The setting was pretty and the fact that the guy was 25 and made it for $150,000 is pretty cool. The best part was the gang shower scene and the kiss B===>~~~
shareI agree, awful. Good soundtrack, though. They actually had the Ramones in there.
shareYou know, it really bothers me when someone says 'this is the worst film ever made.' Seek out "Serial Killer," "Scrapbook," "Boardinghouse" or any similar shot on video title and then tell me this is the worst movie you've ever seen...
From what I remember, "Fear No Evil" was hardly a trendsetting masterpiece, but it's not as bad as people here are claiming either.
CARRIE: A Fan's Site:
The first time I saw it, I had surprised my husband with a copy and he proceeded to narrate the behind-the-scenes goings on on the set (he was the blonde apostle in the red cloak). I thought it was pretty awful myself until I watched it with another friend sans commentary and, while it's still a bad movie, it made a lot more sense. I especially liked how the soundtrack actually FIT the scene.
shareand the fact that the guy was 25 and made it for $150,000 is pretty cool.
Actually, the guy (Frank Laloggia) was 26. And the budget was $250,000 but grew to nearly a million. There's no way they could've made that movie for $150K even in 1980-81.
Wrong! Frank was 25 (d.o.b. Jan 12, 1954. The budget was $500,000. At that, Frank wasted a great deal of money flying in crew and cast from the West Coast, totally uneccessarily. The prime photography, done by a first time (and then fairly incompetent D.P.) was completed in the fall of 1979.
shareThe best part was the gang shower scene and the kiss
I was really surprised by that scene. First off, male nudity (let alone full frontal male nudity) is rare in teen horror movies and then to have a prolonged "gay" kiss in a shower room with other guys watching. Wow.
Frank LaLoggia was 25 when he directed this film (d.o.b. Jan 12,1954)
shareit's awesomely horrible!
I've seen a lot worse. This was weird and doesn't always work, but has some cool, fun moments.