James Spader!!

How big is his part?

How many lines/scenes does he have?



I saw it last night on TV and he has quiet a big part. He plays the brother of Jade. He is very young in the film but he has changes very little in 25 years.


He had one of the best lines: "Just because you are *beep* my sister, it doesn't make you part of the family."


He is in it for most of the film. He is one of the major characters, Brooke's brother.


James Spader was so HOT in this film *sigh*

"Well behaved women rarely make history" Laurel Thatcher Ulrich


So how come Cruise's career took off and Spader's didn't?


Although his role was small enough for his name not to be on the cover of the video, his first scene is near the start and his final scene not too far from the end. So he is sort of scattered through it, not unlike Pretty in Pink.

His teeth are very white and American despite this being near the start of his career.

His character gets to do the following: have a gun (we do not see him shoot any ducks, though), swear, appear bare-chested (not in a sex scene - I think the most his character does is kiss someone), glower and fight. He does, however, have a good reason to dislike the male lead character (David).

I think his acting in this is good. His occasional outbreaks of bad acting were later in his career.
Nicebat: party animal.


Great! Thank you! Is his hair wild and curly like in Sex, Lies and Videotape?


It's shorter than in sex, lies and videotape, but not that short. It has quite a lot of volume.

Nicebat: party animal.


I can't wait to get my hands on this little B movie!

Thank you for giving me a "preview" so I don't completely bypass his scenes!


Hard to bypass his scenes. He is in a lot of important scenes, scattered nicely throughout the film. I hope you enjoy the film!

Nicebat: party animal.



i love James Spader! esp in Endless Love and Jack's Back. he was cute in Stargate.



James Spader is a decent actor, but I don't really care for how snooty he comes across in the movies. I liked him in Pretty In Pink and in Wolf. He plays his roles very convincing, but he never loses that snobby air about him and it's annoying.


What do you think of him in Boston Legal?


I didn't see that, but he played a very convincing role in "Pretty In Pink" and also in "Wolf." I just think Martin Hewitt was my favorite in "Endless Love."


Boston Legal is an award-winning American television show in it's fifth season starring James Spader and William Shatner:


James Spader was the best thing about the movie. He was the only actor who could act.



Agreed. Only watched b/c of him. I read it was his 1st role. Read his bio on IMDB.


He had lots of lines. Here are photos of him from the film:




Thanx for the link!


You're welcome!



He was jades scumbag brother who meddled too much into David and jade, even to the point when David was trying to warn him about the fire, punched him out cold. Somebody needed to END him!

Spoiler alert for them spoil sports out there! Y'all like spoiled milk, stop crying over it!
