so what was the deal....?
In the beginning of the movie everyone LOVED David. Then things just went sour.... Keith started getting annoyed with him, then hated him all together once he got too close with Jade. The father found out David and Jade were sleeping together and got completely mad/jealous. David ended up getting banned from the house and forbidden to see Jade. The only one who liked David throughout was the creepy Mother who we found out later had the hots for him and wanted to bang him herself..
But I guess what my question is, is... why did they just start having him? Was it really because of Jade's involvement with David? Or was it that they were just sick of him being around? Or was it that they werr sick of him sucking up to everyone?
...and seriously what was up with the ending of this movie? Did David just completely go crazy and start imagining Jade?