MovieChat Forums > Dragonslayer (1981) Discussion > What Would You Think of a Prequel To Thi...

What Would You Think of a Prequel To This Movie?

Provided it was done PROPERLY (which is hard to do these days). I see many fans on the board have expressed their discontent at the destruction of Vermithrax and her entire species.

You can't really make a sequel to it (that would be silly), because the last of the dragons is defeated at the end of Dragonslayer.

We go back, say, about 50 years, maybe. Ulrich is young, possibly a newly commissioned wizard, or still an apprentice. Dragons are more prominent, we can see what life is like for the people of Earth when they existed in greater numbers. We could see Casiadorus Rex's brother Gazerick defeated.

Ulrich mentions that he knows the dragon's name personally. He must have some past connection that you could tie into a prequel story.

I think it COULD be a great story, perhaps even a worthy prequel as just a novelization if not a movie.

Who would you cast for various roles? Or would you go back further in time? Or would the idea be silly altogether?

I don't know, I'm just a big fan of this movie and this story, and I'd like to see something tied into it. ILM would have no problem recreating Vermithrax's species in full cgi glory.

"Once the skies were dotted with them [dragons], magnificent horned backs, leathern wings, soaring." --Ulrich


I would love to see a prequel to this movie, and I think that your ideas are a good start for a plot.

There are plenty of charcters mentioned in this movie, including the Meridith Sisters etc who could contribute to the story. I remember the Dragonslayer Board game and novel by Wayland Drew also introduced elements that could create a great story.

Let's hope someone with influence, or a fan script-writer, may pick up on this thread.



Personelly i would like to see a mad awesome Roman Warrior defeat an evil Dragon,and its near adult offspring.A young Ulrich can be their to help the Roman.


A sequel could work where Galen treks with his woman to a new village, but under the reign of a giant or an ogre. Anything really.

"Contemplate this on the tree of woe"
-Thulsa Doom, Conan The Barbarian


I very much love the idea of a prequel to this movie. I have always been surprised at how even fantasy fans do not like this movie. What's not to like? It's a rather grim, sober tale about the demise of magic and the faery realm, a story that does not deteriorate into slapstick humor or sentimentality!

Moreover, the idea of a prequel makes sense. Who is everyone's favorite character in Lord of the Rings? Gandalf! I remember watching this movie as a junior in high school and wanting much, much more of Ulrich. I was as sad to see him go as I was of the dragon and magic in general. Even more to the point, I thought, and still think, that Ulrich is presented in this film as a little too "buffoonish," especially for a film reaching for a grimmer feel. But if no one remembers the original, would a prequel draw anyone except a few cult fans?

"And I smote his ruin upon the mountainside." Gandalf, speaking of his defeat of the Balrog


What's not to like, carpermt? The same damn story and the same damn situation....the dragon ending up being dead. It needs serious ass updating.




Prequels or sequels it doesn't really matter, if that doing it PROPERLY part doesn't come through, then everything else is just 'everything else', going through the motions, and pointless efforts. Personally, I would like to make some changes in the portrayal of dragons by dismantling certain aspects attributed to these fictional creatures because it leaves much to be desired, such as the whole 'prophecy' set up....that has to go. I'd keep the long living aspect of them in, I like that, the idea of a creature and a sentient one at that having lived for thousands of years. Yeah, it seems far fetched but, [shrugs] it's a fantasy. Then there's the relationship part with humans....that's out. I also love the idea that they can communicate in the human language and may have a kind of telepathy too and I'm sure about not wanting them to form ANY kind of friendly human bonding, that to me, is just extremely unappealing. One thing I don't want to happen is a world of humans allowed to exists because of the vanquishing of dragons. And this world will be with strong female and male characters, that's one of the reasons why I dislike the old ideas of, usually, a 'male' being a savior. Hmmmm....I kinda like the idea of the hero actually failing. I went off topic.

Hey, gf bran, would you still want it to take place in the same setting as Dragonslayer?


if youu have the time, money and inclination, one could make a prequel to anything. even a prequel all the way back to the big bang. the question is why?

