What Would You Think of a Prequel To This Movie?
Provided it was done PROPERLY (which is hard to do these days). I see many fans on the board have expressed their discontent at the destruction of Vermithrax and her entire species.
You can't really make a sequel to it (that would be silly), because the last of the dragons is defeated at the end of Dragonslayer.
We go back, say, about 50 years, maybe. Ulrich is young, possibly a newly commissioned wizard, or still an apprentice. Dragons are more prominent, we can see what life is like for the people of Earth when they existed in greater numbers. We could see Casiadorus Rex's brother Gazerick defeated.
Ulrich mentions that he knows the dragon's name personally. He must have some past connection that you could tie into a prequel story.
I think it COULD be a great story, perhaps even a worthy prequel as just a novelization if not a movie.
Who would you cast for various roles? Or would you go back further in time? Or would the idea be silly altogether?
I don't know, I'm just a big fan of this movie and this story, and I'd like to see something tied into it. ILM would have no problem recreating Vermithrax's species in full cgi glory.
"Once the skies were dotted with them [dragons], magnificent horned backs, leathern wings, soaring." --Ulrich