MovieChat Forums > Death Wish II (1982) Discussion > Uncut Blu-ray + DVD Limited Edition!


From the site I showed in my original post I got mine for just over £28 incl postage. That's not so bad. It's a great blu-ray transfer, uncut!


How about details on the uncut scenes?!!


A lot was hacked out of the gang rape at the apartment & quite a bit at the warehouse soon after but this edition has it all, uncensored!


Shout Factory are releasing the uncut version on bluray in the US.


Now I'm kicking myself as the Austrian edition was so expensive! 😠


Just watched the Amazon version. Yes, the rape scene with the housekeeper, Rosario was tamed quite a bit. Also the scene when the daughter excapes the gang members and jumps through the window is ridiculously edited. The close up of her imapement with blood coming out of her mouth was cut, leaving a choppy, ridiculous edit.


Is that all that was added? I can do without the extended housekeeper rape scene. I bought this bluray and it seemed that all that was added was more to the rape scenes which i didn't necessarily need. Still worth it for the commentary though. Will they release a special addition of Death Wish 3? RIP Bob Probert
