It would have been more respectful to rename ALL the characters, and not pretend that this was even close to being a true story. I'm not saying it has to be true to be great - I have no problem with fiction - but they shouldn't have kept the real names if they were going to change the story this much. Seriously, portraying Johnson sympathetically, and Millen being sympathetic, etc., etc.? Albert Johnson murdered Edgar Millen and shot at least two more - and he was not cornered into it. anyway, my point is that it's not like it's just Wop May that they got wrong. They made no effort to get anyone right. So why pretend it's a true story?
p.s. I learned all about this story as I was working at a hotel in the Yukon this summer, the closest settlement to where Johnson was shot. The bar of the Hotel ("The Millen Lounge" incidentally) is full of pictures about the chase, etc.