OMG Kind of Creepy.....
Did anyone else get like chills in any part of this movie?I did during three or so parts of this movie.
*I got the chills when the first guy was like hanging by the lamp and looking down at that machine...I felt chills just thinking of what was going to happen. Whenever there is a horror movie where some guy is about to get up by a huge machine with blades cutting him up into pieces....that just gives me chills...
*Another part:when that guy was in the silo and the sand was coming down, I was thinking how he was going to die and I was watching how he couldn't get out of there and he got buried, I was It truly must be scary to imagine or know that you are going to die. It must be terrifying to know you are going to die, you know? must be soooooo scary. I get chills just thinking about something like this.
*Finally:the scarecrow at the end. I was watching the movie and it focuses a long time on the scarecrow...and MOVES!! I was like...woah! The scarecrow was moving and giving a flower to the little girl....that was just freaky and it gave me chills right down my spine to see that scarecrow...MOVE!
Basically, these kinds of movies....they just give me chills right down my back. Yep yep yep!
SELENA--You will always be missed and never forgotten! R.I.P. Selena Quentenilla-Perez