
a remake is exactly what this movie needs,, anybody knows if there's any plans about that?


Damn, why does every single movie have to be remade. Hell no to a remake.


In theory, I'm not opposed to a remake -- with a decent budget and without the network television standards and practices department, a remake could be wonderful. But judging from the trend of endless, abhorrent remakes that were truly terrible in recent years (PROM NIGHT, APRIL FOOL'S DAY, HALLOWEEN, etc.), I have a feeling they'd find the need to bastardize this with a hokey witchcraft subplot, instantly disposable characters, bad actors from CW dramadies, quick, music-video editing and unnecessary, realistic gore. Generally speaking, modern filmmakers are not subtle, and it was the subtlety that created the tension which made this movie great. The movie's supposed to be released on DVD soon, and that's more than good enough for me.
