*Spoiler*This movie was scary but it was also hilarious !
There is some gutbusting knee slapping funny lines and scenes in this movie.My brother and I watched it over and over rewinding it and laughing till our stomachs hurt.Still till this day and just a few days ago while cooking chicken on the grill I yelled out FRIEDDDDD CHICKEN !!! AT MRS HOKERS!!!Remember the scene after Otis Hazelrigg and his buddies were aqquited standing outside and he yelled out.Come everybody its about time for dinner over at Mrs Hockers.FRIED CHICKEN !!!!! DAMN FUNNY !How about when one of his buddies was in Bubbas grave and he flips out when they see Bubbas body isnt in the coffin and Otis is yelling its a trick its a trick somebody moved the body and hes hugging him trying to calm him down all the while you can see in his weasel eyes he has made up his mind to kill him.LOL Then says come on now you cant leave the grave like that come on now and then with his shifty eyes hits him on the head with the shovel and his hat sticks to the shovel and hey slaps it off.FUNNY AS ALL HELL.Oh yeah... also gotta love his postal uniform and the plastic postal hat peeking at the playboy magazine before he puts it in the mailbox.LOL I gotta go rent this movie again! Charles Durning played this part so well.Sweaty brow,upperlip,and shifty eyes.The funny thing is he was the real molester you could see it in his eyes.OMG.... Thats right he even lived in a boarding house! MOLESTER !!! LOL Mrs. Hockers house.Anyway...The ending was eery the scarecrow really look like it was alive when it turned and handed Marilee the rose.Damn I`m getting goosebumps picturing it!