Valeria's Quote

As I grow older, this quote grows in meaning:

I have never had so much as now. All my life I've been alone. Many times I faced my death with no one to know. I would look into the huts and the tents of others in the coldest dark and I would see figures holding each other in the night, but I always passed by. You and I, we have warmth. That's so hard to find in this world. Please, let someone else pass by in the night.


That was beautiful and it just shows how great Conan's need for vengeance was that he would leave her for it.



But the problem is, if he listened to Valeria, he wouldn't have been able to avenge his parents.


Interesting point to ponder. What is more important, the past or the future? All the vengeance in the world wouldn't bring back his family or bring any justice. Shouldn't he have chosen to make a life filled with love with Valeria, essentially the kind of life he would have had if the village hadn't been attacked? That would have been the greatest victory. On the other hand, I think it wS the pain in the King's plea for his daughter that motivated Conan. Deep down. He wanted to fix a shattered family even if he couldn't fix his own. Poor Valeria loved him for the nobility that would ultimately keep him from her.


As I grow older, this quote grows in meaning

Not for Arnold, it seems
